JAKARTA - Perum Damri Finance Director Joni Prasetiyanto said the merger or merger of the Djakarta Passenger Transport Public Company (Perum) with Damri could improve financial performance.
The company, he said, targets revenues to reach IDR 2.3 trillion in 2027.
Perum PPD itself officially merged with Damri through Government Regulation (PP) Number 30 of 2023.
This regulation was signed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on June 6, 2023.
Meanwhile, for net profit, continued Joni, it is targeted to reach IDR 98.9 billion in 2027.
Meanwhile, the investment costs that have been spent for the merger of these two companies reached IDR 721 billion.
"If from the study of the white book that we have compiled with the PMO companion consultant, it is hoped that by 2027 we can increase the value creation by Rp721 billion. This means that in 2027 it is hoped that our revenue will be almost Rp2.3 trillion," he told reporters, written on Tuesday, June 20.
PPD Assets And Employees Switch To Damri
President Director of Perum Damri Setia N Milatia Moemin said, in the merger or merger of this company, 600 units of buses belonging to Perum PPD serving the Jabodetabek area will switch to Perum Damri.
That way, said Setia, all PPD assets will be Damri's responsibility.
"So from PP No. 30 of 2023, the PPD will automatically no longer exist because it has been merged. So all asset responsibilities and obligations are transferred to Damri," he explained.
In addition, Setia emphasized, there was no termination of employment (PHK) after the merger of Perum PPD with Perum Damri.
"For the entire workforce, Perum PPD is directly absorbed by Damri," he said.
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