JAKARTA - The Gas Subholding of PT Pertamina (Persero), through its subsidiary PT Gagas Energi Indonesia, always prioritizes security and safety in the gas fuel utilization program (BBG) for vehicles.
President Director of Gagas Muhammad Hardiansyah said that his party had implemented government regulations in the operation of gas refueling stations (SPBG), BBG transportation, and ongoing programs, namely the conversion of motor vehicle fuel to BBG.
" Routine certification and trials are carried out to ensure that BBG vehicles are safe for use," he said, quoted from Antara, Monday, May 22.
According to him, Gagas manages SPBG-SPBG, which distributes 11.7 million liters of premium equivalent (LSP) per year for transportation.
All of these SPBGs have obtained proper operating permits from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and technical inspection certificates.
To convert trucks, Gagas has met regulations such as security certificates for compressed natural gas (CNG) tubes, workshop workshop certificates, SPBG gas quality analysis certificates, and head trucks installation test certificates.
In the conversion of motorcycles, the certificates that have been obtained are for CNG tubes, workshop workshops, and SPBG gas analysis.
Gagas also received approval of the results of the CNG type of fuel usage system installation test on the UD Trucks Type GWEE 3030 6X4T WB4300MM ABS M/T motor vehicle as a special vehicle.
In addition, Gagas has obtained a certificate of the BBG installation system installation workshop for motorized vehicles, testing from the Ministry of Industry, and a Feasibility Decree for Pressure Facilities from the Ministry of Manpower.
These certificates provide Gagas in the application of security aspects related to the technical and operations of BBG infrastructure.
"We are grateful for the support and recommendations provided in the context of realizing the BBG conversion program in vehicles. This support is an encouragement to continue to ensure that the supporting equipment for the conversion of BBG is in accordance with technical standards. The goal is that users and the general public feel safe using BBG for their vehicles," he said.
Hardiansyah also emphasized Gagas' commitment as part of PGN Subholding Gas Pertamina to participate in the roadmap towards the net zero emission (NZE) target by 2050 through 2.8 million CNG-fueled vehicles.
He hopes that government support and other stakeholders so that the BBG conversion program for vehicles runs smoothly and helps reduce fuel imports and energy subsidies, as well as improve environmental quality.
Chairman of the Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) Soerjanto Tjahjono supports the use of BBG in vehicles considering the savings that people get.
For this reason, the NTSC provides safety recommendations on aspects of gas quality, inspection, and maintenance of BBG vehicles, as well as routine socialization to users.
Meanwhile, the Coordinator of Downstream Oil and Gas Safety at the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Joko Hadi Wibowo, emphasized the regulation on vehicle CNG technology safety.
According to him, the government guarantees safety through the provision of regulations which of course must be accompanied by compliance with these regulations by business entities and users.
Several ministries have supported through the provision of gas quality regulations, regulation on the feasibility of CNG tubes, regulations on the safety of converter kit installations, as well as standardization of converter kits and tubes.
"If the tools don't exist yet, then the rules can be corrected. The important thing is that the program to use BBG must continue and be one of the priorities for net zero emissions. Currently, various countries are pursuing carbon credit, the use of BBG can be one way to do it," he said in a discussion.
For this reason, the Directorate General of Oil and Gas encourages the greater use of BBG. The accelerated use of BBG program is an assignment from the government to PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT PGN Tbk.
Meanwhile, Secretary General of the National Energy Council (DEN) Djoko Siswanto revealed that the DEN encourages the use of BBG and the expansion of natural gas infrastructure which is more massive in accordance with the Grand National Energy Strategy (GSEN).
Therefore, the DEN seeks to formulate a fiscal incentive policy, so that BBG can be attractive to all perpetrators.
Gradually, gas-fueled vehicles can reach 440,000 vehicles and 200 ships. The DEN also encouraged the reliability of the SPBG and the construction of SPBG to support the fulfillment of BBG in the regions.
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