JAKARTA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that the transportation and warehousing sectors grew significantly by 15.93 percent in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the same period the previous year (year-on-year/yoy), making it the sector with the highest growth.
"Transportation and warehousing grew solidly along with the increase in community mobility," said BPS Deputy for Balance and Statistical Analysis, Edy Mahmud, quoting Antara.
Judging from the sub-sector, transportation and warehousing were supported by the soaring growth in rail transportation by 51.09 percent (yoy) in the first quarter of this year, which was driven by an increase in the number of passengers and goods transported in line with the abolition of the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM).
In addition, the air transportation sub-sector also grew significantly, namely 41.1 percent driven by an increase in the number of air transportation passengers.
Edy said all business fields grew positively in the first quarter of 2023. In addition to transportation and warehousing, accommodation and food and drink and other services also recorded the highest growth of 11.55 percent (yoy) and 8.9 percent (yoy), respectively.
The growth of the two sectors was caused by an increase in foreign tourist visits and the implementation of several national and international events.
Although transportation and warehousing recorded the highest growth, the sector that contributed the largest to the economic growth of this period of 5.03 percent (yoy), namely the processing industry with a share of 0.92 percent. Then, followed by the trade sector as well as transportation and warehousing of 0.64 percent each, information and communication 0.46 percent, and other sectors 2.37 percent.
He said the manufacturing industry grew moderately by 4.43 percent (yoy) supported by strong domestic and global demand.
The food and beverage industry grew by 5.33 percent (yoy) driven by increased crude palm oil (CPO) and crude palm oil oil oil oil (CPKO) due to global demand and increased domestic demand ahead of Ramadan and Eid.
Meanwhile, the transportation equipment industry grew by 17.27 percent (yoy) driven by increased vehicle production to meet demand for new vehicles ahead of Eid and increased production of electric vehicles.
"The basic metal industry grew by 15.51 percent (yoy) driven by a surge in foreign demand, especially nickel ore processed products, such as ferronickel, nickel niche, and nickel pig iron," he added.
On the other hand, Edy said that the trade sector was able to grow 4.89 percent (yoy) supported by an increase in motor vehicle sales.
Large and retail trade subsectors, non-cars and motorcycles grew 4.43 percent (yoy) in line with the increase in visits to shopping centers to meet household consumption in line with the elimination of PPKM and increased production of goods.
The trade in cars, motorcycles and repairs grew by 6.88 percent (yoy), which was driven by increased sales of cars and motorcycles.
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