
JAKARTA - PT Elnusa Tbk (ELSA), an energy service company, has taken various green action steps to reduce carbon emissions, one of which is through tree planting actions carried out by companies in various regions in the country.

Manager of Corporate Communications Elnusa Jayanty Oktavia Maulina emphasized that in an effort to support the realization of national energy resilience, Elnusa did not forget the meaning of environmental importance for the sustainability of the Company's business.

Therefore, Elnusa has prepared a plan for company operations as well as social and environmental responsibility (TJSL) with an environmental perspective.

"Elnusa really cares about the future of this earth, for this reason various routine green action activities are carried out by the Company to assist the Government in its decarbonization efforts in accordance with the Net Zero Emission target in 2060," Jayanti said in a statement to the media, Thursday, April 27.

Jayanti further explained that throughout 2022 there have been many green action activities carried out by Elnusa, especially in the form of tree planting actions. There were 38 tree planting activities that Elnusa had carried out over the past year.

Types of plants and trees planted range from medicinal plants, ornamental plants, agricultural plants, fruit trees, to ketapang sandalwood and mangrove trees.

In total, Elnusa's greened area is about 37 hectares spread across various regions, ranging from West Aceh, Gorontalo, South Minahasa, Sibolga, West Sumbawa, East Kutai, Bima, Kolaka, Kota Baru, Dumai, Palopo, Muna, Balikpapan, Central Tapanuli, Samarinda, Nias, Manggarai, Bengkulu, Tapanuli Utara, Makassar, Tanah Bumbu, Mataram, Ogan Komering illir, Toli-toli, Parigi Moutong, Kendari, Gunung Sitoli, Pangkal Pinang, Pare-pare, North Morowali, Padang, southern Tangerang, Minas, to Pekanbaru.

In addition to planting trees, Elnusa's other green actions in the area around the Company's working area include providing plant seeds, plant fertilizers, pesticides, hydroponic installations, to green spaces to the surrounding community, including providing positive information to the public about the important meaning of protecting the environment.

Various elements of society were also involved by the Company, from villages/kelurahan, farmer groups, schools, to collaborating with Seasoldier, an independent Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that actively invites young people to care about the environment.

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