
JAKARTA - BUMN Construction, PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) decided not to distribute dividends from the 2022 net profit. This was decided at the 2023 PTPP Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS), where the company decided all net profit attributable to owners of the parent entity 2022 allocated as a reserve fund.

PP Director of Finance and Risk Management Agus Purbianto said the shareholders had approved the use of net profit attributable to owners of the parent entity of IDR 271.698 billion which was set as a reserve.

"The net profit of 100 percent is used by the company's reserves to increase capacity from the aspect of liquidity," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday, April 12.

For information, PTPP posted revenue of IDR 18.92 trillion in 2022, or grew 12.87 percent compared to the same period the previous year of IDR 16.76 trillion.

In terms of the bottom line, the company posted profit attributable to owners of the parent entity of IDR 271.69 billion, growing 2.15 percent compared to the same period the previous year of IDR 265.97 billion.

In addition, PTPP shareholders agreed to a change in the composition of the company's management proposed by the Series A Dwiwarna shareholder. Meanwhile, the composition of PTPP management after the AGMS is as follows:

board of Commissioners

1. Andi Gani Nena Wea: Main Commissioner concurrently as Independent Commissioner

2. Istiono: Independent Commissioner

3. Ernadhi Sudarmanto: Commissioner

4. Hedy Rahadian: Commissioner

5. Loso Judijanto: Commissioner

6. Ayodhia GL Kalake: Commissioner


1. Novel Arsyad: Main Director

2. Agus Purbianto: Director of Finance and Risk Management

3. Yuyus Juarsa: Director of Building Operations

4. Yul Ari Pramuraharjo: Director of Operations for Infrastructure

5. Eddy Herman Harun: Director of Operations for EPC

6. Sinur Linda Gustina Manurung: Director of Corporate Strategy and HCM

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