
JAKARTA Member of the Commissioner of the Central Information Commission Samrotunnajah Ismail emphasized that the main objective of implementing the Public Information Disclosure Law (UU KIP) which has been in effect since 2010 is to realize transparency of accountable, effective, and efficient institutions. This was conveyed by Samrotunnajah when holding a forum with Bank Indonesia (BI) today.

"The study conducted by the World Bank shows that transparency and openness of public information will open up opportunities for the public to participate," he said in a written statement on Wednesday, April 5.

According to him, the public can participate in development programs that support poverty reduction in various countries. This has also been done by BI.

"We also appreciate Bank Indonesia's achievements in public information disclosure through innovative programs, including encouraging the synergy of strengthening transparency with other public institutions," he said.

On the same occasion, Deputy Governor of BI Doni P. Joewono revealed that the efforts taken by the central bank support the credibility of accountable and integrity institutions.

"What we are doing is part of the implementation of the fulfillment of the Right to Know public information (right to know) guaranteed Article 28F of the 1945 Constitution," said Doni.

For information, in Indonesia, more than 250 people have attended the Public Information Disclosure Forum, consisting of leaders of public bodies, Information and Documentation Management Officials (PPID) from ministries and institutions, leaders of HIMBARA banks, academics, students, and other elements of society.

Meanwhile, a number of agendas carried out include panel discussions on the protection of payment system consumers highlighting aspects of personal data protection and the creativity of cross-agency policy communication that reviews the development of digital communication programs, especially through social media.

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