
JAKARTA - PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) helps micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the country to take advantage of digitalization or go digital and advance to class.

Director of Courier and Logistics Business of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Siti Choiriana in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 8, said that currently there are 64 million MSMEs, but only 19.5 million MSMEs are digitally literate.

President Joko Widodo has conveyed directions for the acceleration of the digital transformation of Indonesian MSMEs. As many as 30 million MSMEs are targeted on boarding in the digital ecosystem by 2024.

"Regarding this, we want to help encourage MSMEs to advance to class by going digital, going online, going commerce, and going global by inviting MSMEs to take advantage of PT Pos Indonesia's courier and logistics services," he said in a written statement, as reported by Antara.

Currently, the logistics SOE provides a warehouse or warehouse, named Stori, which is a fulfillment service with a digital platform or commonly called the Cloud Store.

According to Choiriana, Stori is spread over 150 points throughout Indonesia and will continue to grow along with the development of online business players, MSMEs, and various companies that are now expanding into online businesses that are certainly oriented towards increasing operational effectiveness.

PT Pos Indonesia will help business people streamline repetitive operational activities such as inbound, stock opname, quality control, sheltering, packing, labeling, order process to delivery.

"We present this STOri to MSMEs, to store products for free. When the products are sold, then there will be a fee there. With this, access to the market will be open," he said.

Furthermore, Ana mentioned, Siti Choiriana's nickname, PT Pos Indonesia, not only seeks warehousing to help MSMEs advance to class, but also collaborates with various parties.

"We are preparing couriers and warehouses. We provide assistance so that MSMEs can advance to class, go modern, go online, go commercial, and end up going global," he said.

In addition, companies together with other parties carry out functions for access to funding so that MSMEs can produce more, carry out marketing together.

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