
JAKARTA - Minister of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa stated that the development of the State Capital Region (IKN) carries the concept of a forest city and a smart city.

"To realize IKN's vision as a forest city, a Mentawir Persemaian Embung is currently being built which will be used as a source of water for tree seedlings for the implementation of the IKN Region reforestation," he said, quoted from Antara, Friday, February 24.

Suharso conveyed this when accompanying President Joko Widodo during a working visit to the IKN area quoted from the Instagram account @suharsonoarfa, Jakarta, Friday.

Mentawir's Persemaian Embung is known to have a raw water capacity of 40 liters per second with the physical progress of development until January 12, 2023, reaching 98.04 percent.

This project was carried out from August 24, 2022, to December 31, 2022.

In addition to carrying out the concept of a forest city, IKN carries the concept of a smart city that has been considered as a comprehensive element in affirming the development of IKN as the new capital city of Indonesia which is dynamic, inclusive, supported by the community, and ready to face the future.

"The components of smart cities in IKN are trying to identify elements of digital added value or technology to provide greater benefits to IKN as a whole," said Suharso.

He also conveyed plans to build housing for State Civil Apparatus (ASN), TNI, and Polri, as well as a mechanism for transferring 16,990 personnel from each of these institutions which will be placed in 211 apartment towers with a capacity of 11,619 units.

Hunian atau fasilitas rumah dinas ada di Kawasan Inti Pusat Pemerintahan (KIPP) IKN.

ASN, TNI, and Polri are said to be also given expensive allowances, transfer fees according to applicable regulations, and flexible facilities arrangements that are tailored to the needs of each ASN.

In the process of moving, he said, not only ASN will be borne by the government, but will also bear the pair of ASN, two children, and one household assistant.

In addition, there are a number of components that will be financed by the government when ASN, TNI, and Polri move to IKN.

The financed components include daily money during the transfer process, packaging costs and transportation costs, transportation costs and waiting fees or transit lodging fees in Balikpapan (East Kalimantan)," said Minister Bappenas.

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