
JAKARTA - Starting a business will certainly increase our money in our daily lives. Moreover, products have reached foreign countries.

For example, decoration crafts that use a number of materials such as iron, wire and zinc produced by a home business in Tabanan Regency, Bali are able to produce foreign markets.

"The countries that are our subscriptions and often order handicraft products include England, France, America, Australia and Italy," said I Made Agus Semadi, owner of a home business in the Kasuari Street area, Dauh Peken Village, Tabanan Regency, quoting Antara.

By relying on simple materials in the form of iron, wire, and zinc, he is able to process it into a high-value craft.

"Initially, the raw materials for iron, zinc and wire were decomposed and formed earlier into a series of interesting shapes such as animals, leaves, frames and candles," he said.

I Made Agus Semadi explained that he had started the production process of his handicrafts since 1998 until now being able to penetrate foreign countries.

From a number of products produced, according to him, the most ordered goods for export are crafts in the form of candles.

"If we sell handicrafts, we sell them at varying prices ranging from Rp. 15 thousand to Rp. 50 thousand," he said.

Currently, to carry out the production process in the home business, he has involved 30 workers from Bali and outside Bali.

"If delivery can be up to 1,000 pieces and the work can be up to one week to one month, depending on the complexity of the design made," added Made Agus.

For the craft design to be made, his party usually accepts designs from guests who provide motifs. Furthermore, the craftsmen will develop according to orders.

He added that although currently working on this craft has problems with the increasing price of raw materials, he is optimistic that it will continue to exist by innovating.

"We also hope that the government will continue to provide encouragement through exhibitions of home craft products in the future as an effort to develop and marketing the products of craftsmen in Tabanan Regency," he concluded.

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