
YOGYAKARTA - When a person dies, he will leave a number of assets that will be passed on to the heirs. Assets in the form of houses, land or vehicles can be taken care of immediately by attaching proof of ownership documents. But what about cashing out a deceased person's account?

We often don't know the number of the account, as well as the account number to the ATM pin, of course only the person concerned knows it. Can we take care of the accounts of people who have died? See the article below to get to know the system for disbursing the accounts of people who have died.

Account status of deceased persons is controlled in Law Number 7 of 1992 which was revised in Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning Banking.

"In the event that the Depositing Customer has passed away, the legal heirs of the Depositing Customer concerned are entitled to obtain information regarding the deposits of the Depositing Customer," reads Article 44A paragraph (2) of Law Number 10 of 1998. The bank itself is required to provide account information of the deceased customer, including assisting in the disbursement process by the heirs. "At the request, approval or power of attorney from the Depositing Customer made in writing, the bank is required to provide information regarding the Depositing Customer's savings at the bank concerned to the party designated by the Depositing Customer," Article 44A paragraph (1) reads.

As an heir, of course, you can, as long as you meet the requirements. The following is a system and steps that should be followed when managing the savings of a deceased person.

How to Withdraw a Deceased Person's Account

Contacting the Bank

First, find out what accounts the deceased had. You can observe the credit cards and ATMs owned by the deceased. You can also find out through the document files kept by the deceased. Each bank has different procedures. Therefore it is important to contact the bank directly to find out the procedure for disbursing and closing the account of your deceased relative.

We recommend that you go to the bank immediately for a more complete explanation. Usually the bank will only provide access to legal heirs with strict procedures. This is done solely to ensure that the account that actually falls on the party who has the right is the account of the official heir. Official heirs themselves mean people who are legally registered as the heirs of the late customer {related|related}.

Completing the Files Requested by the Bank

What files are needed to close the account of a deceased person? Although each bank may require different documents, documents related to proof of inheritance are definitely needed. Here are the documents you should prepare.

  • KTP of heirs and KTP of account holder
  • Certificate of deposit (for deposits), savings book (savings owner)
  • Death certificate
  • Heir certificate.

Where do you get a certificate of inheritance from? You can go to the RT and RW heads to ask for a cover letter for making a certificate of heir rights. Next, go to the sub-district with documents such as copies of the KTPs of all living heirs, family cards, and death certificates from Disdukcapil.

If there is an heir who is unable to attend, another person can be represented with a stamped power of attorney. Next, the heir certificate signed by the lurah must be brought to the sub-district to be signed by the sub-district head.

For disbursing funds with a large nominal, there are also banks that require the formalization of heirs by a notary. Some banks will also ask for a letter explaining that if later a dispute occurs, the heirs will not sue the bank.

Submit Account Closing

After completing all the documents, you must first submit an account closure before you can withdraw funds. Usually, there is an account closing fee that must be paid. Closing this account takes time, because the bank must carry out the process of verifying all the documents that you submit.

Disbursing Existing Funds in a Bank Account

After the account is approved to be closed, then the process of disbursing funds to the heir's account can be carried out. In fact, if all the requirements and documents requested are complete and appropriate, we don't need to worry, because the bank will certainly disburse the funds according to the rights of the heirs.

Some of the things that need to be considered, among others, are that for certain types of accounts such as deposits, there is generally a column for heirs. If the heirs listed on the account are different from the heirs who came, the implementation will take longer. The bank will require additional documents such as a letter of authorization of the heir from the local court. It is very important to take care of everything yourself so that the implementation can go more smoothly and quickly.

So after knowing how to cash out a deceased person's account, check other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize the news!

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