
YOGYAKARTA - Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises or MSMEs are types of businesses that meet the criteria according to the criteria set by the Government. This means that not all types of businesses are included in the MSME criteria. So what types of businesses are MSMEs in Indonesia?

In general, MSMEs are a term embedded in business units that meet the criteria as micro, small, and medium enterprises. These criteria are based on assets or net assets owned by these business fields.

Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkopukm), there are 3 types of businesses that are included in MSMEs, namely as follows.

Types of businesses that have wealth or assets whose value is not more than Rp. 50 million are included in micro-enterprises. This figure does not include buildings and land that are used as a place of business. In addition, the proceeds from the sale of micro-type MSMEs are no more than Rp. 300 million annually.

Micro-criteria businesses usually have not implemented a good financial system so that it is difficult to get assistance from banks. Examples of micro-scale MSMEs such as grocery stores, tire supply, bookstores, warteg, and so on.

If an individual or group-owned business has a net worth of IDR 50 million with a maximum need of IDR 500 million, then the business is included in small MSMEs. This UMKM type criterion per year is IDR 300 million to IDR 2.5 billion.

This type of business has also not implemented a professional bookkeeping system but has positive business progress. In addition, small criteria usually have difficulty increasing the scale of the business and have limited capital.

Examples of small-scale MSMEs such as cooperatives, motorized vehicle norms, clothing stores, and many more.

The medium-scale MSME criteria are businesses that have a wealth of up to IDR 500,000,000 to IDR 10,000,000,000. Meanwhile, the proceeds from the sale of this type of MSMEs per year are no more than IDR 2.5 billion to IDR 50 billion.

Businesses that are included in medium criteria usually employ workers who have the ability in their fields. In addition, middle-class companies usually provide protection guarantees to their workers, both private and insurance, which is managed by the government.

Examples of medium-scale MSMEs are plantations, exports and imports, freight expeditions, and so on.

On the official Semarang City website, there are several business characteristics that are included in the MSME criteria, namely as follows.

That's information related to the type of business that is included in MSMEs. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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