Accelerate Economic Recovery, Ministry Of Manpower Encourages The Birth Of New Entrepreneurs
Special Staff to the Minister of Manpower, Tutik Malah. (Photo: Doc. Public Relations Ministry of Manpower)


JAKARTA - The Ministry of Manpower encourages the birth of new entrepreneurs. This aims to accelerate the recovery of the national economy affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This was conveyed by the Special Staff of the Minister of Manpower, Tutik Ma already at the Kiat Persisting in Pascapandemic World of Work held by the Ministry of Manpower, in Nganjuk, East Java. The event was attended by hundreds of job seekers.

"We continue to encourage the birth of new entrepreneurs to accelerate economic recovery due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This encouragement is carried out, among other things, by accessing system information and support in entrepreneurship," he told reporters, Friday, January 27.

Titik said that his party brought together 250 job seekers, entrepreneurs or small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, businessmen in Jombang in dealing with disruptions to employment conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which made the challenge of employment development even more complex.

"Because the participants are new business actors, the need of business actors is how they improvise, how they get line information and business access," said point.

Titik menegaskan, Kemnaker menyadari pembangunan ketenagakerjaan akan dapat terwujud, apabila semua pemangku kepentingan terkait terlibat aktif sesuai fungsi dan kewenangannya masing-masing meningkatkan kolaborasi dan sinergitas dalam pembangunan ketenagakerjaan.

"I believe that an effective collaboration between the Ministry of Manpower and industry as well as other stakeholders can face increasingly complex challenges in employment development and go through the difficult times of this pandemic," he said.

Meanwhile, the Managing Director of the Ministry of Manpower, Nora Kartika Setyaningrum hopes that the interactive dialogue can be a reference or enlightenment because it presents resource persons from the Manpower Office, the Investment Service, and Apindo. Including the spirit of dealing with recession issues, which are raised by motivators.

"We hope that the dialogue in two ways can understand the current conditions, the existence of fundamental changes, the existence of an industrial revolution and how to deal with post-pandemic methods. For young job seekers, they can also understand how to become business actors, small, medium-sized sources," he said.

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