
YOGYAKARTA - There are various types of balances used as weighing equipment. One of them is the Ohaus balance sheet.

These scales have a higher level of accuracy than other balances. But there are still many who don't know the function of the Ohaus balance sheet.

The Ohaus balance is used to measure the mass of objects with an accuracy of 0.01 gram.

Just like weighing weights in general, this balance works by comparing or comparing the mass of objects to be measured with weights or weights.

In addition, this balance can also be used by swiping the position of the weights along the balance arm. The weights are already on the balance.

Weights can be shifted toward or away from the balance axis as needed.

The point where the balance child is in a balanced position will show the mass of the object.

Ohaus balance function

The Ohaus balance can be said to be a scale that has a special function. This balance has a high level of accuracy, which is 0.01 gram. Meanwhile, the maximum load capacity that can be weighed is 311 grams.

This balance is used to measure the mass of metal or objects used for laboratory practice. Because of its high level of accuracy, this balance is often used to measure important goods, such as pharmaceuticals.

Ohaus Balance Sheet Types

There are various types of Ohaus balances that you need to know about. The use of ohaus balance is chosen according to their needs.

1. Ohaus Digital Balance

Digital or electronic balance sheets appear along with the development of digital technology. The balance can be used easily because it is internet-based compared to manual balance types.

This balance can measure the mass of objects automatically, without the need to shift the weights on the balance arm.

So, all you have to do is put the object you want to weigh, then the results will appear automatically.

The ohaus digital balance can run on battery power. The Ohaus balance is more flexible when used. But besides that, this balance sheet also has a more expensive price.

2. Two Arm Ohaus Balance

The two-arm Ohaus balance consists of several components, including the front arm, rear arm, magnetic system, weight slider, hook, scale, venier, groove, place, and base.

These balance sheets have metal studs on the forearms. These earrings can be shifted as needed, from a scale of 0 to 100 grams.

The rear arm of this balance has indentations, ranging from 0, 100, 200, up to 500 grams.

This balance uses two scales, namely the main scale and the nonius scale. The main scale has values ​​from 0 to 9 grams, while the nonius scale has values ​​from 0 to 0.9 grams.

3. Three Arm Ohaus Balance

The Ohaus balance has three arms, each of which has different accuracy. This balance has a high level of accuracy of 0.01 gram. The front arm of this balance has an earring that can be shifted from 0 to 10 grams.

The middle sleeve has an earring that slides from a scale, 0.100, 200, 300, to 500 grams. The back sleeve has earrings that can be shifted from 0.10, 20, 30, to 100 gram scale.

4. Four Arm Ohaus Balance

This Ohaus balance has four arms for accurate measurements. This type of balance has one scale on one side of the balance that can be balanced with the balance arm.

Thus a review of the function of the Ohaus balance sheet and its types. This balance is widely used in life, but for special needs for measuring objects with small masses.

This balance is usually used for measurement needs in pharmaceutical laboratories.

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