
JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) will integrate the ability of local producers to produce new products, which are able to answer the needs of the national upstream oil and gas industry.

"If their capacity is integrated, then domestically made upstream oil and gas support products that meet international standards will be even more. This will certainly support the achievement of the oil production target of one million barrels per day (BOPD) and the production of gas 12 billion standard cubic feet of gas per day (BSCFD) by 2030," said Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 23.

Related to this, SKK Migas also again held a national capacity forum (kapnas) activity in mid-2023 with the theme "Development of Domestic Capability Integration in order to Improve National Capacity".

In addition to boosting the upstream oil and gas performance in meeting production targets, Dwi said that the development of local content in the upstream oil and gas industry will have a multiplier impact on the national economy.

"There, there is an expansion of the opportunity to try and absorb local workers," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Business Support for SKK Migas, Rudi Satwiko, said that in 2022, SKK Migas will conduct business matchmaking (unify) manufacturers or local service providers and facilitate them so that the quality of their products or services can advance to class.

This year, SKK Migas followed up by integrating the capacity of local manufacturers and service providers in order to produce new products or services that meet the needs of the oil and gas industry standard.

"If their capacity is met and developed, domestically made upstream oil and gas support products that meet international standards will be even more. These production goods will then become local mandatory goods. This means that all upstream oil and gas operators (contractors of cooperation/KKKS) must no longer import," said Rudi.

SKK Migas, he continued, continues to encourage KKKS not to ignore the implementation of TKDN in upstream oil and gas activities.

Moreover, the SKK Migas and the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources have issued a book Appreciation for Domestic Products (PPE) as a reference that takes an inventory of equipment or equipment for upstream oil and gas industry needs that are already available in the country.

This year, SKK Migas will also update the results of a multiplier effect study that was conducted in 2015.

According to the Head of the Supply Chain Management Division and SKK Migas Cost Analysis Erwin Suryadi, the updating of the study will measure the multiple impacts created from upstream oil and gas industrial activities, especially after the increase in the capacity of supporting industry players.

"I am optimistic that with the implementation of a massive national capacity building program since 2015, the impact of the multipliers that have been created is much greater than before," he said.

Previously, in 2022, SKK Migas brought 20 companies, including oil and gas operators (KKKS) and service providers of the domestic oil and gas industry to the Oil and Gas Asia (OGA) event in Malaysia.

SKK Migas also facilitated nine local manufacturers to demonstrate their abilities at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum and Conference (ADIPEC).

The 2023 Kapnas III forum is planned to be held in Jakarta on July 26-27, 2023. As the previous year, the forum will be preceded by a series of Kapnas preforum activities which will be held in Surabaya (May 3-4), Sorong (May 16-17), Balikpapan (May 30-31), Batam (June 14-15), and Palembang (July 5-6).

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