
PT PLN (Persero) inaugurated the first Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) in Jambi Province.

General Manager of PLN South Sumatra, Jambi, and Bengkulu Main Region Unit (UID S2JB) Amris Adnan said the presence of the first SPKLU in Jambi evidence of PLN's seriousness in supporting the acceleration of the electric vehicle ecosystem in the context of energy transition.

This SPKLU in Jambi is the 5th in the working area of South Sumatra, Jambi, and Bengkulu and is the starting point for accelerating the electric vehicle ecosystem.

The presence of SPKLU in Jambi is a manifestation of PLN UID S2JB's commitment to accelerate the electric vehicle ecosystem and support the energy transition. The electrical vehicle ecosystem is expected to support the government's efforts to achieve Indonesia's carbon emissions target by 29 percent by 2030 and net zero emissions or zero carbon emissions by 2060," Amris said in an official statement, Wednesday, January 11.

Amris explained, there are three connectors at the Jambi SPKLU which allows electric vehicle users to charge fast charging and medium charging.

In addition, in an effort to increase the interest and convenience of electric vehicle users, PLN also provides home charging services for electric vehicle users who want to be more flexible in charging at home.

For this service, added Amris, PLN not only helps home charging devices, but also provides incentives for electric vehicle users in the form of a 30 percent electricity tariff discount specifically for charging from 22.00 WIB to 05.00 WIB.

"If you want to be free to charge from home, PLN has home charging services. Its use is very easy through the PLN Mobile application," said Amris.

Meanwhile, Jambi Governor Al Haris said that the presence of this SPKLU made people in Jambi Province no need to hesitate to use electric vehicles.

Al Haris hopes that in the future there will be more supporting infrastructure so that more and more people turn to electric vehicles.

"We hope that each region in Jambi will be able to prepare all its equipment such as SPKLU. That way more people will switch to electric vehicles," concluded Haris.

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