
PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) started 2023 with a tax (starting drilling) of the prime well in Duri Field area 5G-004B located in Duri, Bengkalis Regency. The well enters the Rokan working area (WK).

Meanwhile, Sumur Duri is one of the first wells to be taxed using the ACS-19 Rig with an estimated completion time of 15 to 20 days. The speed and accuracy of this work is one of the strengths owned by PHR in operating the largest working area in Indonesia.

The activity was attended by SKK Migas Secretary Shinta Damayanti and PHR President Director Jaffee Arizon Suardin at the drilling site located at the Duri Field Rig ACS-19 area 5G-004B, Duri, Bengkalis Regency, at exactly the turn of the year, at 00.00 WIB, on Sunday, January 1.

Since the transfer of management of the Rokan WK on August 9, 2021, PHR has recorded an addition of more than 400 wells. The massive drilling and maintenance of wells received an award from the Indonesian record museum (MURI) as a working area (WK) by drilling the most wells for development and maintenance of wells in the one year period.

Secretary of SKK Migas Shinta Damayanti said, WK Rokan is one of the backbones of national energy that has contributed to the country since its first production in 1951 until now.

Until the end of 2022, this cooperation contract contractor (KKKS) managed to book lifting reaching a total of 57.3 million barrels of grand, making PHR one of the largest petroleum producers in Indonesia.

Furthermore, Shinta said, the potential of the Rokan WK is still very promising, so this block will continue to be the bone of national oil and gas production for the next few decades.

"Efforts made by PHR are in line with the government's target to achieve the production target of 1 million barrels of oil per day (bopd) and 12 billion standard cubic feet of gas per day (Bscfd), this is a big dream that the upstream oil and gas sector of Indonesia wants to realize in 2030," Shinta said in an official statement, Sunday, January 1.

Meanwhile, PHR President Director Jaffee Arizon Suardin said that his party is optimistic that the 2023 performance will be superior to support the government in realizing national energy resilience, independence, and sovereignty.

With the spirit of work for massive achievement, PHR is committed to continuing to provide the best for the nation and state through oil and gas operations. We are determined to be able to increase production by drilling more than 500 wells by 2023," Jaffre said.

Therefore, continued Jaffre, support and cooperation in various fields must be maintained to always provide the best energy for the country.

At the location, the President Director of PHR was seen greeting the oil and gas workers who were adrift in drilling oil wells.

At this event, a meal was also held with 5000 employees and partners on duty on New Year's Eve, with Patin fish processed by TJSL PHR's fostered partner.

He also expressed his gratitude, appreciation and gratitude for the support from SKK Migas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Riau Provincial Government, district/city governments and other stakeholders who have supported the smooth operation of oil and gas in the Rokan WK.

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