JAKARTA - Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said the commemoration of Mother's Day on December 22 can be interpreted as a reminder that women can take part and continue to contribute to the environment.
"Mother's Day is a form to continue to nurture, motivate all women and all men in society to continue to give appreciation and recognition that women are human beings who can take part and continue to make extraordinary contributions", said Sri Mulyani as quoted from Antara, Thursday, December 22.
Sri Mulyani said women were created as creatures with uniqueness because they have the ability to reproduce and give birth to future generations of humans.
Mother's Day in Indonesia was actually born more in the context of the struggle for independence of the Republic of Indonesia.
Mother's Day was born after the Youth Pledge Day was held on October 28, 1928, where at that time all youth from all over Indonesia united their determination to unite, One Language, One Nation, namely the Indonesian nation.
Holding the inspiration for the Youth Pledge, on December 22, women in 1928 took the initiative to hold Indonesia's first women's congress which was attended by around 600 women from 30 organizations.
Congress became an extraordinary momentum for the women's movement at that time.
The congress then became a marker that Mother's Day was not just a celebration, but an effort to continue to maintain enthusiasm and even create new inspirations so that women and especially the generation of young women, can continue to contribute the best in life, both in family and community environment.
"This also shows that women at any time, in any place, are actually human beings. As RA Kartini said, we are part of humans who are struggling to participate in activities. But we don't lose our women", she said.
The country's treasurer added that women are always quoted with good quotes from figures around the world.
One of them is the Hadith of Rasulullah SAW which says that women are the pillars of the state. The goodness of women is synonymous with the goodness of the country and damage to women will cause damage to the country.
Therefore, the commemoration of Mother's Day is also synonymous with the spirit of continuing to strengthen women in Indonesia to be empowered, have good honor and dignity, and be respected by society.
"Then this country will also be a strong country and also respected and has dignity and good civilization", she said.
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