
PT PLN (Persero) has succeeded in utilizing coal burning waste from steam power plants (PLTU), known as fly ash & bottom ash (FABA), into materials for the construction of 10.04 km long roads in Sulawesi.

To build a 10.04 km long road, PLN utilized 13,369 tons of FABA from several PLTUs spread across Sulawesi such as PLTU Amurang, PLTU Anggrek, PLTU Nii Tanasa, PLTU Barru and PLTU Punagaya.

General Manager of PLN's Sulawesi Generation and Distribution Main Unit, Jarot Setyawan explained, with the right mixture, the quality of roads from FABA can be juxtaposed with the quality of conventional roads in general.

"The use of FABA is an innovation carried out by PLN. The road with FABA material is tested, no less than material in general," he said.

To date, PLN UIKL Sulawesi has utilized 51,371 tons of FABA.

In addition to being used as road material, FABA has been widely utilized for the construction of facilities and infrastructure in the form of bricks and paving blocks, hoarding media and road loudspeakers.

Roads that have utilized FABA include Tenga and Tawang Village roads in South Minahasa, concrete roads in Toli Toli Village, Tello PLTU access roads, Paving blocks on Punagaya Village roads, as well as road and field hardening at the Tomohon International Flower Festival.

Jarot added that FABA can be widely utilized by the community, MSMEs and agencies following FABA's category as waste that does not contain hazardous and toxic materials (B3).

PLN opens up opportunities for people who want to take advantage of FABA to become high-purpose products, including mixing in the construction and infrastructure industries.

"PLN is open to people who want to participate in using this FABA. FABA itself is not B3 waste so it can be processed and provides many benefits," he concluded.

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