
JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) cooperates with the South Sulawesi Provincial Government to add 2 Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU).

The two SPKLUs are located at the South Sulawesi Governor's Office and the SPKLU PLN Parepare Customer Service Implementation Unit (UP3). The operation of the SPKLU is a concrete manifestation of PLN's commitment to building an ecosystem for Battery-Based Electric Motorized Vehicles (KBLBB) in Indonesia.

Mochammad Andy Adchaminoerdin, General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) Main Distribution Unit for South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and West Sulawesi (UID Sulselrabar), said that the SPKLU, which is located at the South Sulawesi Governor's Office, is of the Fast Charging type and has a power specification of 1 x 50 kW. Meanwhile, SPKLU which is in PLN UP3 Parepare is also fast charging and has a power specification of 2 x 25 kW.

"With Fast Charging technology, charging from 0 percent (empty) to full 100 percent takes only 180 minutes and can cover a distance of 300 KM. Not only that, but we also installed a Public Electricity Charging Station (SPLU) with 2 x 5,500 VA power in the Office. Governor of South Sulawesi which can be used to charge motorbikes or other electric vehicles," he explained in a statement to the media, Monday, November 21.

According to Andy, the provision of SPKLU infrastructure in these two locations is expected to foster people's habit of using electric motorized vehicles. In addition, the presence of the SPKLU installation is also expected to be a link in the renewable energy ecosystem that is being developed in the country to achieve the net zero emission target by 2060.

"We are optimistic that the placement and construction of SPKLU at the South Sulawesi Governor's Office and Parepare City can be a trigger for a new habit of using environmentally friendly vehicles," said Andy.

Present on the same occasion, the Governor of South Sulawesi Andi Sudirman Sulaiman welcomed the operation of the SPKLU in South Sulawesi. According to him, the South Sulawesi Provincial Government will continue to support the energy transition program that has been launched by the Government.

"We thank PLN for placing this SPKLU at the Governor's office. We fully support the use of electricity to reduce carbon emissions," said Sudirman.

As one of the consumers who use electric cars and home charging services from PLN, Sudirman stated that the South Sulawesi Provincial Government had created a program to use electricity within the South Sulawesi provincial government.

"With the presence of the SPKLU at the office, the State Civil Apparatus of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government and people who own electric vehicles can take advantage of this facility to charge their electric vehicles," said Sudirman.

Just so you know, PLN will continue to add more SPKLU facilities. This is because, until 2023, there will be an additional 6 SPKLUs, namely in Palopo, Bulukumba, Watampone, Kolaka, North Kolaka, and North Konawe.

It was recorded that as of November 2022, there were 5 SPKLUs in the PLN UID Sulselrabar working area. The SPKLU are spread across PLN ULP Mattoanging, PLN UP3 South Makassar, South Sulawesi Governor's Office in Makassar City, PLN UP3 Parepare in Parepare City, and PLN ULP Wuawua, in Kendari City. PLN targets that there will be 11 integrated SPKLUs on the Trans Sulawesi road by the end of 2023.

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