
JAKARTA - Director of Public Policy and Government Relations of PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk Sinto Nugroho said the online motorcycle taxi driver (ojol) partner income range per kilometer increased with the enactment of the Decree of the Minister of Transportation (KP) Number 667 of 2022.

According to Shinto, since KP 667 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for the Calculation of the Cost of Services for the Use of Motorcycles used for Community Interest, which has been carried out with apps that have been in effect since September 11, 2022, have been socialized to all driver-partners in Indonesia.

"So it is transparent that the minimum income range increases, the range of income per km also increases. This education is important especially for partner partners who pave the way every day. We communicate this immediately and continuously," he said at a public hearing (RDPU) with Commission V DPR RI quoted by Antara, Monday, November 7.

Shinto explained that his party fully supports the regulations in KP 667/2022 as the government's effort to maintain the revenue of driver-partners. He also said that his party was in line with the regulation.

"We appreciate and support the steps taken by the Ministry of Transportation to ensure the sustainability of driver-partner income by setting this tariff. This has also adjusted to the current economic conditions where there is an increase in fuel prices, inflation and a decrease in people's purchasing power," he said.

Furthermore, Shinto said that tariff adjustments had been discussed with stakeholders, not only with applicators but also with driver-partner representatives.

In fact, driver-partners, Shinto continued, have sent a letter of support to the Ministry of Transportation from 1,660 driver communities throughout Indonesia regarding KP 667/2022.

"This is considered a fair middle ground so that they can still make a living and their income will continue to be maintained," he said.

Shinto added that his party also appreciated the return of service fees at least 1-4 km first based on input from applicators and drivers.

"This is an open-door tariff, if we take a taxi. This is a tariff that will definitely be accepted by the driver. Everything that happens above it, the commission, the platform fee, it's all above it. Driver income is not reduced. We believe it is their right. We are both trustworthy, working together. Don't let us reduce other people's sustenance. We agree with KP 667, that it has not been reduced at all. We have never touched the ones that have been determined the upper rates and lower rates from the government," said Shinto.

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