
BANDARLAMPUNG - The realization of subsidized fertilizer distribution in Lampung until October 25, 2022, reached 441,541 tons. This amount is equivalent to 104.1 percent of the October allocation.

"This figure consists of 236,895 tons of urea, 173,516 tons of NPK, 17,490 tons of SP-36, 7,700 tons of ZA, and 5,940 tons of organic," said SVP of PSO West Region of Pupuk Indonesia, Agus Susanto, as quoted by Antara, Sunday.

He said that all subsidized fertilizer stocks in Lampung will be distributed to 17 line III warehouses involving 64 distributors and 1,506 complete fertilizer kiosks (KPL) spread across 15 regencies and cities throughout Lampung.

According to him, the distribution of subsidized fertilizer is distributed to all lines in accordance with the regional head decree (SK) as a derivative rule of the Minister of Agriculture Regulation (Permentan) No. 41 of 2021, which has been revised in the middle of this year to become Minister of Agriculture Number 10 of 2022, regulates the allocation of subsidized fertilizers in 2022.

According to the Minister of Agriculture No. 10 In 2022, subsidized fertilizers are currently focused on two types of fertilizers, namely Urea and NPK.

These two types of subsidized fertilizers are intended for nine strategic agricultural commodities that have an impact on inflation. The nine commodities are rice, corn, soybeans, chili, shallots, garlic, smallholder sugarcane, cocoa, and coffee.

The farmers who are entitled to subsidized fertilizers include, must join a farmer group, be registered in the Simluhtan (Agricultural Extension Management Information System), cultivate a maximum of two hectares of land, and use a Farmer's Card (for certain areas).

Agus explained that farmers can redeem subsidized fertilizers at official kiosks that have been designated to serve local farmer groups. Because subsidized fertilizers are distributed in a closed manner, namely according to the names and addresses of farmers, farmers cannot buy subsidized fertilizers at official kiosks outside their territory.

"So one of our goals for gathering today is to disseminate information to fellow farmers regarding this new regulation. Because there is a change in the types of subsidized fertilizers and their commodities, from the previous 70 with Minister of Agriculture Number 10 of 2022 to 9 commodities only," he said.

The allocation of subsidized fertilizers for Lampung Province is set at 561,407 tons consisting of 326,169 tons of urea, 202,547 tons of NPK, 18,621 tons of SP-36, 7,888 tons of ZA, and 6,155 tons of organic.

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