
YOGYAKARTA - You have to do a check on the Ministry of Health's permit to better ensure that medical devices are applied before they are applied. During this pandemic, there are many masks circulating and it is difficult to recognize products that already have a production permit. Then, how to check the distribution permit of the Ministry of Health?

Being one of those who are prone to problems with the circulation of medical devices, this generally occurs in masks. Many home entrepreneurs market and do their own mask production without taking care of licensing according to regulations.

Then, are homemade masks that don't have a permit not suitable for use or should not be applied? Actually, there is no prohibition but for the medical application, it is more advisable to use a mask according to the SOP.

How to Check the Ministry of Health's Circular Permit

To identify products or medical devices that are in accordance with circulation and should apply for a Medical Device Distributor Permit (IPAK). You should perform some of the following steps.

Visit the Official Page of the Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health has provided a legal and special page to carry out checks on permits for distribution and production of medical devices. You can visit the page to receive complete information.

To visit that page you can use a browser via a mobile smartphone or computer. Until now, no application has been released to check the status of medical devices via mobile.

Select Search Menu

After browsing the official page of the database portal for complete information on medical devices, you will find a search form. In that form you should first make sure in particular the group to be searched for.

Among them are classification based on distribution permit number, manufacturer, product name, type, and registrant, determining alternatives wisely. Please select the group according to the type of medical device that you will check the licensing status for via the website.

Enter Keyword

After confirming} your classification will be filled with keywords, enter them correctly so that there are no mistakes when searching for data. If the product name is selected in the classification, you can write the product name according to the previous classification.

The final step is to click Search, after filling in the keywords to be searched for, then wait until the search is successful. If successful, the data will come out according to the needs of the Ministry of Health permission check you are looking for.

Knowing the Importance of Permits from the Ministry of Health

Because the high demand for masks makes this business one of the most promising businesses and many are trying this opportunity. But not many novice businessmen know that the production of masks should not be arbitrary.

This is because masks are included in medical devices whose production and distribution have been limited by Ministerial regulations and have a clear basis. The effect is that many home-based productions are carried out without taking care of permits.

When the mask has a permit from the Ministry of Health, the quality and safety is guaranteed. There is a clear level in carrying out the production and distribution of medical devices issued legally by the government.

So after knowing the Ministry of Health's distribution permit check, Check out other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize the news!

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