
JAKARTA - PT XL Axiata Tbk's strong commitment (XL Axiata) to apply Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles in company management to realize business continuity, has brought corporations to awards for the Telecommunication for Sustainability category at the ESG Excellence 2022 Action and Sustainability in Responsible Investment event, organized by TrenAsia. XL's Chief Corporate Affairs Axiata Marwan O. Ba'asir received the award directly in Jakarta, Wednesday, October 19. "Thank God, we convey the award that has been received by XL Axiata. This award is certainly proof of XL Axiata's commitment to applying ESG principles to various company business activities. Of course, this award spurs us to work even harder, especially in the application of ESG principles which are now the concern of the world community. We are carrying out these efforts to realize sustainable development such as maintaining the availability of natural resources, reducing poverty, and helping to maintain climate resilience," said XL Chief Corporate Affairs Axiata Marwan, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, October 25. Marwan added that ESG has now become a global issue that has a big impact on the sustainability and existence of the organization. Even now, ESG itself has begun to be used as a benchmark for the sustainability and fundamentals of a company by investors to customers. The award event directly measures how far a company applies the ESG principles in its business process. The election of XL Axiata as the ESG award winner in the Telecommunications for Sustainability category shows that all company activities have been on the right track. All programs and services provided have also been oriented to the basic principles of ESG. Starting from daily business operations that encourage resource efficiency, the implementation of the CSR program to encourage community empowerment, to the application of anti-bribery systems within the company. In the event initiated by TrenAsia, apart from ESG aspects, the methodology and assessment system also apply various elements such as liquidity, market capitalization, and finance. The assessment of course also pays attention to the sustainability of the support of each company. The process of eSG Excellence 2022 assessment was carried out by a number of CSR experts and experts namely, Director of Department of Research of the Financial Services Authority Edi Setijawan, Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Arsjad Rasjid, Editor in Chief TrenAsia Adhitya Noviardi, President Director Institute for Sustainability & Agility Maria Rosaline Nindita Radyati, Chief Executive Officer of Schroders Indonesia Michael T. Tjoajadi, and Expert Council of the National Committee for Governance Policy, Achmad Daniri. The ESG Excellence 2022 event screened more than 120 companies in 34 industrial sub-sectors. Some of them are telecommunications providers, telecommunications providers and BTS, technology, transportation, oil and gas, coal, alternative energy, to private banks.

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