
Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that the condition of the 2022 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) until September still recorded a surplus of IDR 60.9 trillion.

According to him, the book occurred due to the higher state revenue sector with Rp1,974.7 trillion compared to state expenditures of Rp1,913.9 trillion.

In detail, the Minister of Finance revealed that state revenue consists of tax revenues which grew 54.2 percent year on year (yoy) to Rp1,310.5 trillion.

Then customs and excise collected revenues of Rp232.1 trillion with growth of 26.9 percent. Furthermore, non-tax state revenue (PNBP) is known to have collected Rp431.5 trillion or grew 34.4 percent.

As for the spending side, it is stated that central government expenditure (BPP) is IDR 1,361.2 trillion with expenditures transferred to the regions (TKD) of IDR 552.7 trillion.

"This surplus is our provision to accumulate endurance in the face of uncertain world turmoil in 2023," he said during a press conference on our State Budget on Friday, October 21.

For information, this steady APBN score has continued its positive trend since the beginning of the year with a surplus in January of IDR 28.9 trillion, February with a surplus of IDR 19.7 trillion, March with a surplus of IDR 10.3 trillion, April with a surplus of IDR 103.1 trillion.

Then, in May a surplus of IDR 132.2 trillion, in June a surplus of IDR 73.6 trillion, in July a surplus of IDR 106.1 trillion, in surplus of IDR 107.4 trillion and in September which had a surplus of IDR 60.9 trillion.

"In the midst of various challenges, the performance of the state budget until September 2022 remains positive and is controlled, supported by very good income. Meanwhile, state spending grows but needs to be accelerated," said the Minister of Finance.

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