
PT PLN (Persero) is collaborating with the private sector to encourage the use of new and renewable energy (EBT). One of them is through the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the beer producer PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk (MLBI) for the supply of 100 percent clean energy in stages until 2025.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said PLN maintains a good and sustainable synergy with business and industrial people to use clean and green energy. This is to support the energy transition program launched by the government to achieve carbon neutral by 2060.

"The President's directive is also very clear, so that the energy transition is prepared as well as possible. So PLN has prepared a scenario towards net zero emissions. PLN has a full commitment in an environmentally friendly energy ecosystem," Darmawan said in his statement, Friday, October 21.

He explained that this MoU includes the provision of EBT electricity sourced from the Cirata Floating PLTS accompanied by energy attributes.

"We are grateful to the Multi Bintang for supporting this agenda and will use 100 percent electricity from renewable energy. We also invite all business and industry players to jointly use clean energy in business and industrial activities," he added.

PLN's Retail and Commerce Director Edi Srimulyanti added, in addition to the Cirata Floating PLTS, PLN still has 8,208 megawatts (MW) of existing EBT plants and a development plan of 20,723 MW EBT until 2030. PLN also gradually makes an energy transition from upstream to downstream.

He explained that on the upstream side of PLN had started de-dieselized programs, PLTU retirement scenarios, and biomass co-firing to increase the EBT mix. On the downstream side, PLN has a program to encourage the development of a clean energy use ecosystem.

Some of them are the development of an electric vehicle ecosystem, electrifying lifestyle, and the use of Renewable Energy Certificate (REC). The collaboration will continue to be needed by PLN to build a clean energy ecosystem in Indonesia.

"Today, what was initiated with Multi Bintang is a scheme for providing EBT services with an energy as a service approach. This collaboration is certainly an important support in achieving the energy transition target in Indonesia," he said.

President Director of Multi Bintang Renre S▁gengchez Valle hopes that this collaboration will encourage networked culture and collaboration on the issue of sustainability. Currently, the company has become an electricity customer for PLN for the operation of two factories, namely 4.3 MVA in East Java and 3.6 MVA in Banten and it is hoped that by 2025, the company's operations can fully use new and renewable energy.

He added that for this reason, his company will be on the right track by achieving 64 percent of the target by the end of this year. It is hoped that by the end of next year, all targets can be achieved so that full use of clean energy begins in 2025.

"We need to encourage as much organic cooperation as possible that drives on a sustainable goal. I hope this will be a fruitful experience," he explained.

On the same occasion, the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita expressed his appreciation for this cooperation and hoped that more companies would join forces to use renewable energy as a unit in an effort to continue the life of the earth and humans.

"I appreciate the efforts to provide renewable energy for PT Multi Bintang Indonesia including the construction of biomass facilities at the Tangerang and Mojokerto factories. Also cooperation in providing electrical energy from the Cirata Solar Power Plant (PLTS) with PLN," said Agus.

Agus also hopes that Multi Bintang will continue to increase its portion of renewable energy as support for the Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction program by 2030 and support Indonesia towards carbon neutral 2060.

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