
TANJUNGPINANG - Head of Bulog Subdivre Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands Province (Kepri), Riki Maskudri said that his party had prepared rice stocks of 1,700 tons in anticipation of an increase in inflation due to the increase in fuel prices.

"There are 1,700 tons of rice stock in the warehouse which will be spread across the Riau Islands including Tanjungpinang, Lingga, Sedanau and Ranai," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 11.

In addition, he said, there are still around 1,700 kilograms of frozen buffalo stock and 7 tons of shipping approval. For cooking oil, there are 16,000 liters left and have been marketed in the Tanjungpinang area.

His party is also trying to sell medium rice, which can be an alternative for the community.

"We also participate in market operations and cheap bazaars, as well as carry out price surveillance with the food task force," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Mayor of Tanjungpinang Endang Abdullah asked the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) to pay attention to food commodities that could lead to inflation in Tanjungpinang.

"Do an evaluation and supervision at the market level so that there are no price games from the tengkulates. Hopefully we can suppress inflation and keep prices stable," he said.

Head of the Riau Islands BPS Darwis Sitorus stated that during September 2022 there were ten commodities that had the largest share of inflation in Riau Islands (Tanjungpinang-Batam), namely gasoline rose 24.42 percent, universities 5.52 percent, kale 26.90 percent, spinach 20.69 percent, mustard green 34.57 percent, sea transportation 9.42 percent, filter kretek cigarettes 1.97 percent, chicken meat 1.49 percent, toddler milk 2.40 percent, and detergen soap 2.77 percent.

"The largest expenditure group that contributes to inflation is the transportation sector. This is because the impact of fuel price adjustments will directly affect price increases in transportation services, especially sea transportation in Riau Islands," said Darwis.

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