
JAKARTA The Medan City Government is said to have a unique way of helping local fishing communities to market fishery products. One of the latest innovations is to take advantage of Grab Indonesia's ecosystem in expanding its sales network.

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution hopes that this effort has the potential to strengthen the market for products produced by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

"Enforcement of society is an effort to enable and independence the audience through various strategies, including creating a business climate to encourage people to develop and there is an increase in capacity," he said in an official statement quoted on Sunday, October 9.

According to Bobby, his party expressed appreciation to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) and Grab Indonesia for having synergized together to realize this positive step.

"We thank you for the support given," he said.

On the same occasion, I Nyoman Radiarta as Head of the KKP Research and Human Resources Agency stated that the initiative taken was a real form in realizing the welfare of coastal communities in fishing villages.

"We also provide training to fishermen's wives to process fishery products aimed at increasing the selling value so that the economic benefits obtained can be greater," he said.

On that occasion, symbolic assistance was also symbolically handed over to the community. Specifically from the KKP, the assistance provided consisted of packages of net gill fishing gear, processing equipment packages, and 500 kg of Consumption Fish.

KKP assistance is intended for developed fishing villages, in Bagan Deli, Belawan, Medan to support the priority program of KKP for the development of fishery villages.

As previously reported, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono encouraged BRSDM to conduct training and counseling for the community as well as synergize with local governments and other related partners in order to create new entrepreneurs.

He also conveyed that he should continue to do competency mapping as needed by the business world and the industrial world.

"I also advise fishery extension workers to continue to play an active role in assisting main actors in carrying out marine and fisheries business activities, including facilitating access to knowledge, technology, and capital assistance," said Minister Trenggono.

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