JAKARTA - Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan asked exporters to increase export competitiveness by improving product quality and market reach to face the challenges of world trade. He said exporters must be more prepared to welcome the potential and opportunities that exist.
This was conveyed by Zulhas, Zulkifli Hasan's nickname when opening the 2022 National Export Lecture with the theme "New and Digital Exporter for Export Stronger" which was held in a hybrid manner at the Ministry of Trade Office in Jakarta. The 2022 National Export Lecture was initiated by the Export School.
"We at the Ministry of Trade encourage exporters to be able to improve the quality of their products and market reach, which is expected to be useful to facilitate and expedite and increase exports", he said in an official statement, Thursday, October 6.
The Ministry of Trade, said Zulhas, is open and welcomes any collaboration to encourage Indonesia's trade to become stronger in the domestic market and have competitiveness in the global market.
Furthermore, Zulhas said, Indonesia is part of global trade. In the January-August 2022 period, Indonesia's trade balance recorded a surplus of 34.92 billion dollars. In addition, the performance of national exports showed positive results with an increase in total non-oil and gas exports by 35.24 percent from the previous year in the same period.
"We must continue to maintain strong economic and trade fundamentals. This can be done with the spirit of good collaboration between the central government, regional governments, and all stakeholders in the trade sector", he said.
Zulhas also conveyed the importance of having the ability to do business digitally. Because this is a basic thing that must be owned by business actors in this era. In addition, the use of digital platforms can help make cross-border marketing and transactions more efficient and cost-effective.
"The digitalization of trade has various good and bad impacts. Technological improvements must be balanced with increasing skills possessed by all technology users", he said.
Zulhas said the contribution of exporters cannot be underestimated to the national economy. So many Indonesian products have succeeded in penetrating the export market, but there are still products that do not meet export quality standards.
"The Ministry of Trade is open and welcomes any collaboration to encourage Indonesian trade to become stronger in the domestic market and have competitiveness in the global market", he explained.
Zulhas hopes that the Export School will be able to produce many reliable exporters who can show the world the results of innovation and the creation of quality and highly competitive Indonesian products.
"The 2022 National Export Lecture is the right step in preparing the existing potentials and opportunities, especially opportunities for Indonesian exporters and potential exporters", he concluded.
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