
JAKARTA - Longtime investor Lo Kheng Hong first invested in stocks in 1989. At that time he was 30 years old.

Lo Kheng Hong was still working at the bank at that time. Since investing in stock instruments for the first time, Lo Kheng Hong has never stopped investing.

Until finally in 1996, he ventured out of the bank where he worked. Mr. Lo, as he is known, recounted his 33-year experience of investing in stocks at the inauguration of the Indonesia Stock Exchange Investment Gallery (GI BEI) Faculty of Economics, Padang State University (FE UNP) last week.

"There is a lot of money left, all of which are bought for shares," said Lo Kheng Hong at the event, quoted from the YouTube channel GI BEI FE UNP, Thursday, September 15.

This time, Lo Kheng Hong frankly how much profit he got after investing in stocks for 33 years.

"After 33 years, the money has become big," said Pak Lo, Lo Kheng Hong's nickname.

"Setelah 33 tahun kemudian uang itu jadi besar," kata Pak Lo, sapaan akrab Lo Kheng Hong.

Then, Mr. Lo's next words 'stomped' the audience at the event after being provoked by questions from the President Director of MNC Sekuritas, Susy Meilina.

"How many?" asked Susie.

“Trillions,” Lo Kheng Hong said shortly.

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