
YOGYAKARTA Applying the MSME promotion strategy must be carried out by business owners so that they can compete with competitors. Not only offline, the marketing strategy must also be implemented online.

Unfortunately, the awareness of MSME owners to market their products digitally is still not optimal, especially regarding effective marketing. To achieve that, there are several things to know.

In general, the meaning of marketing strategies is an effective way that has gone through an analysis process in carrying out promotions and marketing. It must be remembered that the analysis process needs to be carried out so that marketing efforts can be more appropriate.

In the digital realm, the marketing carried out has little difference with conventional marketing. Digital marketing is considered more effective due to several advantages, namely as follows.

Marketing done online has advantages of being able to reach a wider market than non-digital. You can market goods or services digitally in various ways, such as through social media, webinsite, and much more.

Launching products through social media is also relatively cheaper. This is one of the advantages that business owners can take advantage of. You can even market products without capital.

MSME owners who know technology will benefit more in terms of digital marketing. There are many channels that can be used to market your products easily. In fact, you can do digital marketing in your bedroom without having to bother leaving the house.

The effectiveness of digital marketing is quite high because advertising makers are able to reach the market more targeted. You can aim at the age, city, to what kind of work the market targets.

Some people believe more in shops that have social media channels than conventional stores that only rely on physical stores. This involves payment security to the quality of goods.

The development of social media is getting faster. Not only used as a medium of interaction, social media is also used as a promotional channel. This means that MSME owners can create digital stores through social media. You can use these channels for free or for a fee.

However, it should be noted that each social media has a different user character. The character of a Facebook user is different from the character of an Instagram user, Instagram users are also different from the character of a TikTok user. Therefore, so that products sell well on social media, you can do a number of MSME promotion strategies.

Similar to physical stores, stores on social media must also be well-organized. You must include as clear information as possible with the appearance of products as attractive as possible to be more trusted by customers.

Perform product marketing on social media with good characteristics. This step can be done in many ways. For example, you make live videos of products with cats or you can also use other costumes.

Typical characteristics must also be possessed by products so that marketing is easier and brand awareness in the community can last a long time.

Online shop owners should be alert when responding to questions from consumers. This will affect the performance of your online store.

Every now and then MSME owners can hold discounts and promos to attract new customers. Discounts can be linked to big days such as discounts on Indonesian Independence Day, or New Year's discounts.

You can market products in a collaborative manner, either with other companies or with influencers. This method is quite effective for attracting new markets.

Those are some of the MSME promotion strategies that you can do. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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