
JAKARTA - A subsidiary of PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero), PT Brantas Energi (BREN) last July has signed a certificate of financing date for the Batanghari PLTM with a capacity of 5.1 MW located in Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatra.

"Yes, the signing has been carried out by the Director of PT Brantas Total Energi, Syaiful Arif, which is a Special Purpose Company (SPC) owned by BREN with the General Manager of PT PLN Parent Unit for West Sumatra, Wahyu Wibowo, accompanied by the Director of Finance, HC and Risk Management of BREN Tumpang Muhammad", said Miftakhul Anas as Corporate Secretary of Brantas Abipraya in his statement, Tuesday, September 13.

The Batanghari PLTM itself has a capacity of 3 x 1.7 MW which is located in Sembilan Koto District, Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatra Province.

This PLTM produces electrical energy by utilizing the potential of renewable energy so that this power plant is environmentally friendly.

The construction of the Batanghari PLTM was carried out by Brantas Abipraya as the holding company of BREN.

“This Batanghari PLTM is one of three BREN plants that utilize the existing dam belonging to the Ministry of PUPR. It is hoped that through this Abipraya subsidiary in the coming year, we can play a greater role in the utilization of State Property (BMN) which has the potential to generate electricity to be used as an environmentally friendly power plant", added Anas.

As additional information, in 2022 BREN through its Special Purpose Company has carried out three construction activities with the BMN Utilization scheme, namely, PLTM Titab with a capacity of 2x0.64 MW located in Bali, PLTM Pandanduri with a capacity of 2x0.29 MW located in East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara and most recently the PLTM Batanghari with a capacity of 3x1.7 MW in West Sumatra.

"Brantas Abipraya's commitment to developing Indonesia, especially in the development of renewable energy through BREN, can also be seen from the construction and operation of the PLTM Padang Guci-1 with a capacity of 6 MW (3×2.0 MW) and PLTM Padang Guci-2 with a capacity of 7.0 MW. 2×3.5 MW) in Bengkulu, PLTM Sako-1 in West Sumatra with a capacity of 6 MW (2×3.0 MW), PLTM Maiting Hulu-2 in South Sulawesi with a capacity of 8.0 MW (2×4.0 MW), and PLTS Gorontalo of 2 Mega Wattpeak (MWp) in Gorontalo", concluded Anas.

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