
YOGYAKARTA In the midst of the increase in the price of fuel oil (BBM), the energy company that distributes fuel in Indonesia, PT Vivo Energy Indonesia, actually sells fuel prices below the price set by Pertamina. This raises questions regarding the reasons why Vivo sells fuel cheaper than Pertamina.

As is known, the government officially increased the price of fuel as of Saturday, September 3, 2022 yesterday. As a result, Pertalite's cheapest fuel is sold to the public at a price of Rp. 10,000 per liter. The price increase sparked protests among the public.

However, in the midst of the increase in fuel prices, Vivo gas stations actually sell their cheapest fuel products at a price of Rp. 8,900 per liter. This makes people flock to buy fuel at Vivo gas stations. Then, why can Vivo sell fuel below Pertamina's price?

Pertamina spoke in response to the price of fuel oil provided by Vivo at their gas station. Quoted from Kompas, Pertamina Patra Niaga Corporate Secretary Irto Ginting said that there are several factors that cause price differences between state-owned companies and private companies Vivo, as follows.

Irto Ginting explained that PT Vivo Energy Indonesia sells fuel that is different from Pertalite. Vivo gas stations provide a common type of fuel.

"The BBM sold by Vivo is a type of general fuel, so each business entity determines the retail price in accordance with the upper limit formula determined by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources," said Irto, quoted Monday, September 5.

He also explained that the price of Vivo's fuel had no effect on Pertamina's Pertalite sales amid rising prices.

Meanwhile, Pertalite type fuel provided by Pertamina is claimed to contain special fuel. Therefore, the selling price is the authority of the government.

"The Pertamina Pertalite BBM is a type of special fuel for assignment oil whose price has been determined by the government and the price is the same throughout Indonesia," he explained.

As is known, the public had packed Vivo gas stations to buy Revvo 89 fuel, which was set at a price of Rp. 8,900 per liter. Meanwhile, the price of Peramina type fuel is sold at a price of Rp. 10,000 per liter. That way the difference between the two products is Rp. 1,100 per liter.

Quoted from Kompas, Revvo 89 provided by Vivo is gasoline whose quality is between Premium which has a research octane number (RON) of 88 and Pertalite which has 90 RON.

In addition, Vivo also sells other types of fuel, namely Revvo 92 and Revvo 95. Revvo 92 has RON 92 which is equivalent to the quality of Pertamina's Pertamina's Pertamina's Pertamina's Pertamina. While Revvo 95 has RON above Pertamax but below the Pertamax Turbo.

The following is the price of fuel at Pertamina and private gas stations in the country.

Pertamina's fuel price

The price of Vivo's fuel

Even though they were bought up by the community, Vivo's fuel type 89 began to be difficult to find. This is because the stock is empty. To find the reason why Vivo sells fuel cheaper and other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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