
JAKARTA - Director of Operations III PT Hutama Karya (Persero) Koentjoro said the Trans-Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) project had absorbed as many as 202,468 workers.

"The number of workers that have been absorbed on the Trans Sumatra Toll Road during the construction period from 2015 to 2022 has reached 202,468 workers, spread across 14 projects", he said in a statement quoted by Antara, Monday, September 5.

The 14 projects include the Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar section, Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang-Kayu Agung, Palembang-Indralaya, Pekanbaru-Dumai, Medan-Binjai, Padang-Sicincin, Indrapura-Kisaran, Sigli-Banda Aceh, Pekanbaru-Bangkinang, Bangkinang-Pangkalan, SP Indralaya-Prabumulih, Bengkulu-Taba Penjung, Prabumulih-Muara Enim, and Binjai-Langsa.

According to Koentjoro, the largest absorption of workers in the construction of the Besar-Pematang Panggang-Kayu Agung Toll Road reached 45,357 workers.

The number of workers consists of employees of the toll road business entity (BUJT) as the owner consisting of project directors, managers, and officials, supervision teams (supervisory consultants), and a team of contractors.

In addition, the largest number is workers in the field are construction workers, ranging from foremen, handymen, and workers who prioritize local workers before bringing in workers from other regions.

Apart from the construction side, post-operational Trans-Sumatra Toll Roads also open up job opportunities and absorb thousands of workers.

The number of workers in the seven JTTS sections that have been operated by Hutama Karya reaches around 1,980 workers with a distribution of 1,641 people in the workforce in toll road operations services and 339 people in rest and service services.

The absorption of the workforce will continue to increase along with the increase in new sections that will start operating, namely the Bengkulu-Taba Penjung and Pekanbaru-Bangkinang sections.

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