
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance hopes that the presence of PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (SMF) as a special mission vehicle (SMV) can continue to develop the secondary housing finance market.

Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, said SMF must be able to realize big goals to help the community in getting decent housing.

“SMF Persero is the government's fiscal tool. An extension of the Ministry of Finance to be able to encourage the ability or affordability of low-income people to get housing", she said during the inauguration of members of the PT SMF board of directors in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 27.

According to the Minister of Finance, based on Presidential Regulation number 100 of 2020, SMF was given the mandate to expand innovation and diversify financing products to support the goal of providing housing for the community.

In addition, it also carries out the distribution of financing for the banking portion of the Housing Financing Liquidity Facility (FLPP) program which is the backbone of the provision of subsidized housing for low-income people (MBR).

"I hope this assignment will continue to be developed measurably and its progress can be monitored", she said.

The state treasurer also said that the Ministry of Finance's SMV is required to understand the current volatility and economic turmoil and respond well to it.

"Responding, anticipating and keeping the company from taking wrong steps in dealing with this very unusual situation, the second is to protect the balance sheet and the company, and the third is to remain maximal in achieving the performance and targets set", she asserted.

The Minister of Finance also advised the directors to build good collaboration, synergy, and cooperation with various parties to provide development impacts that are increasingly felt by the community.

“In a situation like this, working with professionalism, competence, integrity, and synergy becomes even more important. Thank you for all of your dedication, good work, and congratulations on making achievements. It is a form of your love for Indonesia", closed the Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani.

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