
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance through the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) has officially released the use of the Population Identification Number (NIK) as the Taxpayer Identification Number which is an effort to increase the tax ratio in Indonesia.

Director General of Taxes Suryo Utomo said this step is also an initiative to facilitate tax services for the community.

"We want to make tax transactions easier for the public," he said at the launch in Jakarta, witnessed by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, Tuesday, July 19.

According to Suryo, the determination of NIK as NPWP also marks another important decision within the Directorate General of Taxes, namely the electronification of tax payments for the income tax segment on the transfer of land and buildings.

"We sometimes forget the NPWP number, but the NIK number will remember it," he continued.

Suryo added that until the launch, only 19 million NIK have been integrated into NPWP.

"We still have a lot to do and will continue to make additions in the future," he said.

For information, the Population Identification Number policy as the basis for tax data collection is one of the mandates of the Law on the Harmonization of Tax Regulations (HPP) which was agreed and ratified by the government and the DPR in 2021 ago.

Meanwhile, the realization of tax revenues until the first semester of 2022 was recorded at Rp. 868.3 trillion. This figure rose 55.7 percent compared to the same period in 2021 of IDR 557.8 trillion.

The moncer performance of 2022 tax revenues cannot be separated from high commodity prices and also the recovering business sector. This situation made Finance Minister Sri Mulyani raise the target of tax revenue by two this year.

First, revenue is targeted at Rp1,485 trillion in accordance with Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 98/2022. Second, taxes are raised even higher to Rp1,608.1 trillion in the latest outlook submitted to the DPR earlier this month.

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