
JAKARTA - The Indonesian government through the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has established a Certain State of Emergency for Mouth and Fingernail Disease (PMK) in livestock through the Decree of the Head of BNPB Number 47 of 2022.

"Stipulates: Decree of the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency regarding the determination of the emergency status of mouth and nail disease," reads the decree signed by the Head of BNPB Lt. Gen. Suharyanto. , namely, firstly, establishing a certain state of emergency for oral and nail disease (PMK). Second, the implementation of emergency management during certain emergency status conditions for oral and nail diseases as referred to in the first dictum is carried out in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

The third is that the implementation of emergency management as referred to in the second dictum is carried out with ease of access as regulated in the legislation regarding disaster management.

Fourth, regional heads can establish an emergency status for oral and nail diseases to accelerate the handling of oral and nail diseases in their respective regions.

Fifth, all costs incurred as a result of the stipulation of this decision shall be borne by the APBN, ready-to-use funds available at the National Disaster Management Agency, and other legal and non-binding sources of financing in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

Sixth, this decision shall come into force on the date of stipulation until December 31, 2022, with the provision that if in the future there are errors, corrections will be made accordingly.

PMK Cases Spread in 22 Provinces

When determining the status of certain PMK emergencies on livestock, Plt. The Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center, Abdul Muhari, said the number of PMK transmissions as of Friday, July 1, at 12.00 WIB had reached 233,370 active cases spread across 246 regencies/cities in 22 provinces. This information is according to data from the Isikhnas Ministry of Agriculture.

The five provinces with the highest cases are East Java 133,460 cases, West Nusa Tenggara 48,246 cases, Central Java 33,178 cases, Aceh 32,330 cases and West Java 32,178 cases.

Based on data from the FMD Handling Task Force, the total number of accumulated cases included 312,053 sick livestock, 73,119 livestock declared cured, 3,839 livestock subject to conditional slaughter and 1,726 livestock deaths due to FMD.

"As a form of emergency response to the FMD outbreak, the government continues to accelerate the implementation of vaccinations for livestock to increase immunity and prevent death. The number of livestock that have been vaccinated has reached 169,782," said Abdul Muhari in a press statement received, Saturday, July 2nd.

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