
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is said to have won an Unqualified Opinion (WTP) from the Financial Audit Agency (BPK) related to the 2021 Central Government Financial Report (LKPP). Prudential, transparent and accountable state finances for the greatest prosperity of the people. "The WTP opinion is one of the great forms or evidence that we are carrying out the implementation of the APBN well," he said in a press statement quoted on Thursday, June 16. According to Hadiyanto, the achievement of the WTP opinion is expected not only to have an impact on better management of the State Budget, but also to internal and external stakeholders. "This is also good news for agencies and rating agencies, such as Moody's and S&P to be more confident with the way we (the government) manage the APBN," he said.

For information, BPK provides a WTP opinion on the 2021 LKPP in all material respects in accordance with government accounting standards. This WTP opinion is based on 83 LKKL (Ministry/Agency Financial Reports) and 1 LKBUN (State General Treasurer Financial Report) which have a significant influence on LKPP 2021. inspection results recommendations. "The follow-up examination is the basis for improving the government's performance in managing state finances that is more effective and inclusive, in order to realize the welfare of the nation," he said.

It is known that the government will continue to take corrective steps by following up on BPK's recommendations, developing various new policy breakthroughs to respond to the challenges of increasingly dynamic state finances, and perfecting an integrated application system to maintain the quality and validity of LKPP data.

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