
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) targets fishery production to reach 30.37 million tons in the Government Work Plan (RKP) in 2023 with fishery GDP growth of around four to six percent.

"The target of the main performance indicators in the RKP 2023 is that the first fishery GDP growth is 4 to 6 percent, the second is fishery production of 30.37 million tons," said Secretary General of Antam's KKP, Novambar, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, June 7.

The fishery production target consists of 8.73 tons of capture fisheries and 21.58 million tons of aquaculture.

Furthermore, the export of fishery products is also targeted to reach 7.66 billion US dollars by 2023.

KKP also targets to increase fish consumption by 61.02 kg per capita per year.

For the welfare of fishermen, KKP targets the fisherman's exchange rate of 107, the area of the conservation area to reach 29.1 million hectares, and the percentage of compliance of marine and fisheries business actors at 97 percent.

Meanwhile, for the 2023 indicative ceiling, Antam explained that based on the joint Decree of the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Bappenas dated April 18, 2002 regarding the Indicative Ceiling for Expenditures for Ministries in the 2023 fiscal year, KKP received an indicative ceiling of Rp 6.1 trillion.

Antam explained that the largest proposed indicative ceiling for 2023 was allocated to the Marine Fisheries Research and Human Resources Agency at Rp1.34 trillion, followed by the Directorate General of Aquaculture at Rp1.07 trillion, the Directorate General for Supervision of Marine Fisheries Resources at Rp936 billion, and the Directorate General for Capture Fisheries. amounting to Rp. 838 billion.

Meanwhile, if translated based on work programs, the largest budget is allocated for marine and fisheries management programs of Rp. 2 trillion, value added and competitiveness programs of Rp. 157.5 billion, environmental quality programs of Rp. 83.63 billion, vocational education and training programs of Rp. 280.5 billion. and a management support program of Rp3.58 trillion.

Meanwhile, based on the type of expenditure, the indicative ceiling of KKP in 2023 consists of operational expenditure of Rp.2.82 trillion and non-operational expenditure of Rp.3.28 trillion.

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