
JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) reported that there was an increase in the number of investors in the capital market at the beginning of this year.

In a release informed today, the institution led by Wimboh Santoso said if there was a 15.1 percent growth year to date (January-April) to 8.62 million investors in April 2022.

Uniquely, this significant rate mostly occurs in the young age group compared to other investor profiles.

"Indonesian capital market investors are dominated by the millennial generation or those aged less than 30 years, with the number reaching 60.29 percent of the total current investors," said OJK on Thursday, June 2.

Furthermore, OJK stated that the number of investors continues to increase from year to year. For example, in 2019 the number of investors who invested their capital was known to be 2.48 million investors. This figure then consistently grew to 3.88 million investors in 2020, and 7.94 million investors at the end of 2021.

Even though they dominate, the asset value of millennial investors is still quite low among other age groups with a total value of IDR 52.18 trillion.

"Meanwhile, the highest asset value is in the group with the least number of investors, namely those aged 60 years and over with asset values reaching Rp566.04 trillion," said the authority.

OJK itself again urges people who want to get involved in capital market investment to understand the following six things as an effort to mitigate risk management.

1. Learn and understand product instruments, and techniques for investing in the capital market

2. Don't be easily persuaded by seduction or promises to fix it back

3. Ensure the legality of the product and the business license of the financial service provider

4. Use more funds other than basic needs and emergency reserve funds

5. Do not invest using loans, especially illegal online loans. Remember that investment can make profit and loss, while installments are certain

6. Diversify. Don't invest in just one product or place

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