
JAKARTA - PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) has implemented a Retail Management System (RMS) or Partner application, a digital system that makes it easier and faster for kiosks to process fertilizer sales, whether retail, commercial or subsidized fertilizer.

"The Partner application can help kiosks monitor sales or provide efficiency in terms of recording transaction data. In fact, this digital system is able to increase transparency and accountability in fertilizer distribution," said Director of Business Transformation of Pupuk Indonesia, Panji Winanteya Ruky, quoted from Antara, Wednesday 18 May.

He explained, the application of this Partner is very helpful for kiosk owners to be able to monitor sales, anyone from farmers who become buyers, to recording other transaction data.

Partners can also be integrated with the Ministry of Agriculture's fertilizer subsidy system in the Electronic Definitive Plan for Group Subsidized Fertilizer Needs (eRDKK), as well as redemption of subsidized fertilizers by farmers.

"With the development of the Partner application, it is believed that it will make it easier for farmers to meet their fertilizer needs, so it is hoped that farmers can increase the productivity of agricultural products to support food security programs," said Panji.

To date, Partners have been implemented in 214 kiosks in Nganjuk, Cirebon, Kukar, Grobogan, Musi Banyuasin, Pidie, and Gowa. Pupuk Indonesia targets the Partner system to be implemented by 28,000 kiosks until 2024. The target in 2022 is to implement RMS in 5,000 kiosks.

There are at least eight main Partner features that have been implemented since July 2021.

First, digitizing governance improvements and simplifying the process of redeeming subsidized fertilizers. Second, being able to trace the distribution of subsidized fertilizers at the kiosk level based on the farmers' identification numbers (NIK) and geo-tagging.

Third, a payment system that is integrated with the farmer's card and other electronic payment methods. Fourth, provide digital redemption and billing reports.

Fifth, ease of kiosk administration in recording transactions, financial reporting, stock management, and employee management. Sixth, there is an offline mode that aims to keep it functioning in remote areas with poor signal quality.

Seventh, the point of sales system for selling non-subsidized products or other products in kiosks. Eighth, make it easier to control the stock of products and goods in real time.

Partners that have been used by kiosks will be connected to the Pupuk Indonesia supply chain monitoring system, namely the Distribution Planning & Control System (DPCS), which monitors the movement of subsidized fertilizer stocks nationally from the factory to the consumer.

"This program is an integrated system to control the supply chain of subsidized fertilizer distribution, where the Company can ensure the distribution activities and national fertilizer stocks in real time," he said.

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