
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has completed seven infrastructure improvement packages in the form of roads and bridges for the Borobudur Super Priority Tourism Destination (DPSP). PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said the availability of adequate road infrastructure would change the face of the region, while accelerating the development of tourist destinations. Borobudur and improve services for tourists reaching tourist sites. "Better road services will support the local economy in tourist areas," said Minister Basuki in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, May 18.

The Ministry of PUPR has completed the construction of a road and bridge network to improve the connectivity of the Borobudur Super Priority Tourism Destination (DPSP).

In 2020-2021, the handling of roads and bridges is carried out by the Central Java - DI Yogyakarta National Road Implementation Center (BBPJN), the Directorate General of Highways along 72.93 km with a total budget of Rp. 357.06 billion. road widening, road reconstruction, routine maintenance, rehabilitation of sidewalks and drainage and construction of bridges. Handling is carried out in stages in 2020-2021 through 7 work packages.

In FY 2020, 4 work packages for handling roads and bridges spanning 35.40 km have been completed with a contract value of Rp. 178.82 billion.

Four work packages have been handed over, namely the widening of Jalan Sentolo - Nanggulan - Dekso along 15.6 km, preservation of Jalan Yogyakarta - Tempel - Pakem - Prambanan along 2.4 km, preservation of Jalan Pringsurat - Secang - Keprekan along 8.50 km, and road preservation Keprekan - Muntilan - Salam (DIY Limit) of 8.59 km. In FY 2021, the handling of 3 packages of road and bridge works of 37.53 km with a budget of Rp. 178.23 billion includes the rehabilitation of the 24.4 km DPSP Borobudur Road, preservation of Jalan Keprekan Borobudur along the 12.8 km, and construction of the Kali Progo Cs Bridge with a length of 160 meters in the form of handling the Kali Elo Mendut Bridge in Magelang Regency along the 40 meters. The increase in DPSP Borobudur connectivity is in line with President Joko Widodo's mandate to create new tourism areas or 10 Bali New ones that can become the locomotive of the Indonesian economy by attracting new investment, adding jobs, and increasing sales even tourists. The arrangement of sidewalks, bridge construction, and pedestrians still pays attention to aesthetic aspects that are in harmony with efforts to preserve the Borobudur area as a World Heritage Site.

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