
JAKARTA - The 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of the company owned by conglomerates Edwin Soeryadjaya and Sandiaga Uno, PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk approved the distribution of cash dividends of Rp.814 billion. This figure is much higher than the dividend of Rp298 billion in 2021.

Saratoga President Director Michael William P. Soeryadjaya stated that the cash dividends will be distributed to Saratoga shareholders whose names are recorded in the Company's Shareholders Register on 11 May 2022 at 16:00 WIB. Payment of cash dividends to the Company's shareholders will be made on May 13, 2022.

"Compared to the previous year, this year's dividend distribution set a record high of Rp. 814 billion compared to the previous year of Rp. 298 billion," he said in Saratoga's Annual Public Expose, Thursday, April 21.

Not only that, on this occasion the Company also held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS-LB). For this agenda, the shareholders approved the proposal from Saratoga's management to buy back a maximum of 45 million shares.

In 2021, the issuer codenamed SRTG recorded a Net Asset Value (NAV) of IDR 56.3 trillion. The source of the Company's NAV growth is largely from the increase in stock prices in almost all of the Company's investment portfolios, especially PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk. (TBIG), PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk. (ADRO), PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk. (MDKA) and PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Tbk. (MPMX).

Michael explained, Saratoga's investment portfolio company, which is supported by strong fundamentals and a strategic business sector, has succeeded in optimizing opportunities during the national economic recovery phase in 2021.

"Saratoga's investment portfolio company has contributed to the Company's dividend income of IDR 1.65 trillion during 2021. There has been an increase of up to 120 percent compared to 2020 dividend income of IDR 750 billion, which reflects that our investment portfolio has a very solid performance," explained Michael.

Saratoga Investment Director Devin Wirawan said, Saratoga will continue to optimize every investment opportunity in strategic sectors that have long-term business growth prospects. The technology, consumer and health services industries are among the sectors that Saratoga has chosen to invest in, given the large scale of the economy in line with Indonesia's population of nearly 300 million people.

“In each of its investments, Saratoga will always adhere to the principle of prudence and measurement. We believe that with the experience and capabilities of Saratoga's HR, the Company's performance will remain solid," said Devin.

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