
JAKARTA - Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, said that the walkout of several delegates and representatives of member countries at the latest G20 meeting in Washington, United States was understandable.

According to her, every element that takes part in this forum can express their opinions and views without any pressure from any party. For this reason, Indonesia, which became the President of the G20 this year, chose to stay focused on the work agenda that had been prepared according to the plan.

“During this consultation and communication meeting, we understood several scenarios, such as how the G20 and some representatives who came would respond to Russia's presence. So this incident (walking out) did not surprise us, especially for those of us who are chairs", she said through a virtual channel on Thursday morning, April 21, Indonesian time.

The Minister of Finance added that Indonesia's attitude of not wanting to be bothered was based on several assumptions. First, all parties involved in the meeting fully understand that cooperation in the G20 has a very strategic role in determining the direction of the global economy.

"This does not cause disruption that creates problems from the substance of our discussion", she said.

Second, G20 members are well aware that cooperation is something that must be done and cannot be avoided.

“Interestingly, all member countries underlined the need to continue the G20 cooperation and the importance of multilateralism. We think all members of the G20 are aware and see the responsibility of this group as very important for the global economy", she said.

Three, the global situation which is quite challenging requires a solution to be able to manage future risks and encourage the presence of policies that can overcome this.

"We are not finished with the pandemic situation where the recovery is still quite fragile. Then there is also the impact of rising prices for energy, food, and raw materials such as mineral commodities which of course require collaboration. I am sure this will not be a barrier to cooperation in the G20", said Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani.

As previously reported, the meeting of Ministers of Finance of the G20 members which was held in Washington DC, the United States was marked by a walkout when the Russian delegation was speaking in the forum. Meanwhile, the countries that boycotted were America, Britain, and Canada.

Allegedly, this action was carried out as a form of protest against Russian military activities in Ukrainian territory which are currently still ongoing.

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