
JAKARTA - Girls Take Over PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) represented by Bahana Aslamabel as the President Director of Pupuk Indonesia in one day, chaired a meeting with the board of directors and reviewed the digitization system in the process of distributing subsidized fertilizers.

Bahana Aslamabel, who is still studying at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) was elected as the President Director of Pupuk Indonesia replacing Bakir Pasaman.

Bahana Aslamabel, who is also familiarly called Abel, today reviewed the digitalization system for monitoring the distribution of subsidized fertilizers owned by PT Pupuk Indonesia. This review was carried out within the framework of the Girls Take Over (GTO) Program launched by the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir.

"It is very interesting to know the extraordinary role of the Pupuk Indonesia group in supporting food security and national industry," said Abel, quoted from Antara.

After receiving information about Pupuk Indonesia, Abel will also receive reports related to several programs and even systems run by the company such as the green industry cluster, Distribution Planning and Control System (DPCS), the Prosperous Program, to the Indonesia Fertilizer Research Institute (IFRI).

After that, Abel said he would attend and even lead several monitoring meetings of the Pupuk Indonesia Group.

"I will also meet with the Managing Director of Pupuk Indonesia Bakir Pasaman and several organizations such as Srikandi Pupuk Indonesia," he said.

Before leading the meeting, Abel took the time to review the digitization system, especially DPCS. According to him, the system that has been implemented since 2020 is very capable of supervising the technical distribution of subsidized fertilizers in real time.

Abel further said that DPCS can also oversee the distribution process from the producer's warehouse to official kiosks. Even DPCS is able to know the amount of stock while in transit, both land and at the port.

"This DPCS is very good, because it can monitor a very complex distribution system and present data and information into one digital platform in real time," said Abel.

President Director of Pupuk Indonesia Bakir Pasaman said that the company strongly supports the Girls Take Over Program launched by the shareholders. She admits that this program is the company's support for the talents of women and the younger generation in building a corporate culture.

"Pupuk Indonesia is committed to the success of the BUMN Minister's program, Mr. Erick Thohir, in encouraging the talents of women and the younger generation to become leaders in BUMN," said Bakir.

Girls Take Over is an activity that gives women and young people a day to become leaders in BUMN. This program is driven by the Indonesian Human Capital Forum and the community under it, namely Srikandi BUMN and BUMN Muda.

SOE Minister Erick Thohir targets that as many as 25 percent of the leadership seats in SOEs will be filled by women by 2023. This is done in the context of transforming human capital in SOEs to achieve gender equality in Indonesia and balance the composition of leadership which will lead to a better corporate climate.

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