
JAKARTA - The movement of the Composite Stock Price Index (JCI) is predicted to continue its correction in today's trading, Thursday, April 7, after closing at 7,104.21 yesterday or down 0.62 percent.

Artha Sekuritas analyst Dennies Christopher Jordan explained, the JCI yesterday experienced a correction and moved lower in line with the weakening of global stock markets. Worries came from the US after saying it would be more aggressive in determining economic policies, thus depressing the stock market.

Dennis predicts the JCI will weaken in today's trading. JCI Technically, the candlestick formed a lower high and a lower low with a fairly high volume. It is estimated that the ISHG will weaken.

"The movement is expected to be influenced by profit-taking after the last week of strengthening. On the other hand, there are still concerns from global sentiment," said Dennies in his research.

Furthermore, Dennies estimates that the JCI will move at support levels of 7.056 and 7.080 as well as resistance at 7.137 and 7.170. Meanwhile, some stock recommendations for PT Indika Energy Tbk (INDY), PT Erajaya Swasembada Citra Tbk (ERAA), and PT Media Citra Nusantara Tbk (MNCN).

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