
JAKARTA - Pertamina is rumored to be raising the price of RON 92 Pertamax fuel in April to IDR 16,000/liter. Based on information from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the economic price of Pertamax is Rp. 14,500 per liter, but currently Pertamina is still selling it at Rp. 9,000.

Acting Pertamina Patra Niaga's Corporate Secretary, Irto Ginting, said that currently his party is conducting a study regarding the adjustment of the price of Pertamax fuel.

"We are still reviewing the price adjustment, including the amount," said Irto via text message to VOI, Thursday, March 31.

Irto continued, Pertamina also continues to monitor the development of world oil prices and people's purchasing power so that they can be adjusted to the selling price of Pertamax.

"We are still considering the development of world oil as well as people's purchasing power," continued Irto briefly.

Regarding the possibility of increasing the price of Pertamax, Irto was reluctant to give an answer because he had not yet received a final decision regarding the increase in fuel prices.

Previously, in a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission VI DPR RI on Monday, March 28, President Director Nicke Widyawati said Pertamax is not subsidized fuel and is consumed by the wealthy.

"Because Pertamax is not for the poor. The portion is only 20 percent of fuel sales," said Nicke.

Meanwhile, SOE Minister Erick Thohir revealed that the government had spent up to tens of trillions for fuel subsidies. On the other hand, Erick Thohir also apologized because the government will increase the price of Pertamax fuel in the near future.

"It's impossible in economic conditions like today the government only relies on taxes, finally there needs to be dividends. This dividend which is used for the fuel subsidy program is still running, yes, the government has decided that Pertalite will be used as a subsidy, not Pertamax. So if Pertamax goes up, I'm sorry, but Pertalite is still subsidized," he said while giving a public lecture at Hasanudin University Makassar, Wednesday, March 30.

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