
JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that the 13th anniversary of the establishment of PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (PT SMI) should be used as a momentum to evaluate program achievements.

According to the Minister of Finance, PT SMI must be able to understand the challenges and opportunities that will arise and respond to changes in the very dynamic world situation.

"The environment that is constantly changing will force us as an institution to continue to adapt to the way we work, the business processes and instruments we use to deal with issues that arise, and of course in terms of how we see this challenge as an opportunity," she said in an official statement, Wednesday, March 9.

The Minister of Finance added that PT SMI had diversified many project financing, ranging from the Government and Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) scheme for hardware infrastructure projects to financing for waste management, informatics, and even energy conservation.

The state treasurer also explained that in the COVID-19 pandemic situation, PT SMI has also become one of the countercyclical instruments through providing loans to local governments.

“PT SMI must participate in carrying out a recovery mission whose nature and magnitude are much larger than usual. This definitely creates dynamics, but this challenge is a positive thing because it can participate in economic recovery through loans to local governments," she said.

The Minister of Finance said that PT SMI must also pay attention to development issues in the regions, including the handling of stunting, elimination of extreme poverty, and development gaps.

"Keep moving forward together with the Ministry of Finance as a reliable special mission vehicle, which will continue to respond to increasingly complex development challenges for a more advanced, better and dignified Indonesia," concluded Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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