
JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) reports that the Money for the 75th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (UPK 75 RI) has won an international award as a finalist for the Currency Award 2022 organized by the International Association of Currency Affairs (IACA).

Head of the Communications Department Erwin Haryono said this appreciation is proof that the quality of Indonesian rupiah currency is of high quality.

"This achievement also strengthens the international appreciation for the rupiah, which is not only valid as a legal tender in Indonesia, but also as a symbol of national sovereignty," he said in an official statement, Friday, February 25.

Erwin explained, the ACA Currency Awards are awards given to achievements for developments and innovations in the cash payment sector which will be participated by 39 countries in 2022.

Meanwhile, the elements of the winner's assessment were determined through the curation of the organizing committee and voting by all IACA members on several things, such as the innovation of features and technology used, integration of security and design features, graphic design innovation, and the value of uniqueness, history, and local elements.

For information, IACA is a consultation and collaboration forum for cash payment system players whose members consist of central banks, money issuing authorities, money printing companies, suppliers of materials, and elements of money security and financial institutions.

"UPK 75 RI was specifically launched during the 75th anniversary of Indonesia's independence on August 17, 2020. UPK 75 RI describes 3 (three) major themes, namely being grateful for independence, strengthening Diversity, and welcoming a bright future," said Erwin.

Apart from Indonesia, the winners for the same category were the Namibian banknotes, the 200th anniversary notes of Mexico's independence, the Guatemalan Central Banknotes, and the special bicentennial notes of Singapore.

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