
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade cooperates with the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) to strengthen cooking oil stocks in a number of eastern parts of Indonesia.

"Monday and Tuesday there will be deliveries of cooking oil to eastern Indonesia in collaboration with the TNI, especially the Indonesian Air Force using the C-130 Hercules transport aircraft. This breakthrough effort is made to give the public a sense of security so that they get cooking oil according to the price set by the government," said the Trade Minister in his statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, February 21.

In the early stages, the Indonesian Air Force will send 52,800 liters of cooking oil to a number of areas in Papua such as Sorong, Merauke and Jayapura.

The prices set by the government are bulk cooking oil of Rp. 11,500 per liter, simple packaging of Rp. 13,500 per liter, and premium packaging of Rp. 14,000 per liter.

Traders both in modern retail and in traditional markets must sell cooking oil to consumers according to regulations.

Lutfi explained, the Ministry of Trade asked a number of cooking oil producers to help provide stocks of simple and premium packaged cooking oil. Furthermore, cooking oil will be sent by the Indonesian Air Force to various targeted areas in eastern Indonesia.

According to Lutfi, producers claim to be able to provide simple and premium packaged cooking oil from Surabaya and Jakarta.

"The Indonesian Air Force is committed to helping the community by sending cooking oil to agents and distributors in Eastern Indonesia. I ask that once the cooking oil has arrived, agents and distributors can quickly supply it to traditional markets so that people immediately get cooking oil according to the price set by the government," he said. Lutfi.

According to him, KPN Corporation has provided 1,100 cartons of cooking oil to Sorong or 13,200 liters from Surabaya with the recipient of CV Papua Sejahtera Sorong.

From the producer Wilmar, owned by the conglomerate Martua Sitorus, 1,100 cartons or 13,200 liters of cooking oil were prepared to Jayapura from Surabaya with the recipient CV Momugu Jayapura, South Jayapura, Jayapura.

Meanwhile, the producer of Musim Mas, owned by conglomerate Bachtiar Karim, will provide 1,100 cartons or 13,200 liters to Merauke from Surabaya with the recipient CV Bamboo Retail, Jalan Raya Mandala, Merauke.

Meanwhile, from Apical, 1,100 cartons of cooking oil or 13,200 liters of cooking oil will be prepared from Jakarta with the recipient PT Rajawali Nusindo Sorong Branch, in Sorong City.

Synergy with all parties, especially the Indonesian Air Force, is a real step for the government to overcome various current cooking oil problems.

The Minister of Trade appreciates business actors and the Indonesian Air Force who have worked together with the Ministry of Trade to solve this problem. In the future, synergies with various institutions will continue to be carried out.

"I give special appreciation to the Indonesian Air Force and cooking oil producers for their willingness together with the government to overcome the shortage of cooking oil that still exists in several regions, especially in eastern Indonesia. I am sure this problem will be resolved soon. staples at affordable prices," said Lutfi.

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