
JAKARTA - The selection committee for the selection of candidates for the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Board of Commissioners for the 2022–2027 period decided to select 33 people who passed the Phase II selection results.

In a press statement on the Ministry of Finance website, it was stated that the second stage of selection was an assessment of input from the public, track records, and papers.

For participants who pass, the next stage is an assessment and health check which is planned to be held on 23 and 24 February 2022 next week.

"For the implementation of Phase III selection, prospective members of the OJK DK are required to carry out a PCR test independently and submit the results to the selection committee no later than February 22, 2022 at 17.00 WIB," said the document legalized by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani as chairman of the selection committee on Sunday, February 20.

Meanwhile, prospective members of the OJK DK who are suffering from COVID-19 will undergo a limited medical examination carried out by the Pertamina Central Hospital medical team.

"Prospective members of the OJK DK who do not take part in the assessment and/or medical examination are declared not to have passed the third stage of the selection," the release said.

The following is a complete list of 33 candidates for OJK DK members who passed the second stage of selection.

1. Firmansyah N. Nazaroedin, Ak., M.Sc., CA.2. Dr. Dian Ediana Rae, SH, LL.M.3. Dr. Iskandar Simorangkir, SE, MA, CRGP.4. Junino Jahja, SE, MBA5. Mahendra Siregar, SE, M.Ec.6. Dr. Marwanto, MA7. Budi Santoso, SE, Ak., MForAccy., PGCS., CA., CFE., CPA. (AUST.)8. Ir. H. Hariyadi, MBA, CERG.9. Hidayat Prabowo10. Ir. Difi Johansyah, MBA11. Dr. Adi Budiarso, FCPA.12. Didik Madiyono, SE, MM13. Pantro Pander Silitonga, B.Sc., MBA14. Ir. Ogi Prastomiyono, MBA15. Dr. Peter Jacobs, SH, MPA16. Dr. Pahala Nainggolan, CA.17. Dr. Agusman, SE Akt., MBA18. Dr. Friderica Widyasari Dewi, SE, MBA19. Prof. Dr. Bambang Pamungkas, Ak., MBA, CA., CPA., CFRA.20. Iwan Pasila21. Dr. Ir. Darwin Cyril Noerhadi, MBA22. Inarno Djajadi23. Dr. Agus Susanto, SIP, MM, ACE.24. Mirza Adityaswara25. Yuli Kristiyono26. Tirta Segara, SE, MBA27. Etty Retno Wulandari, Ak., CA., MBA, Ph.D28. Sophia Isabella Watimena, SE, CA., MBA29. Mohamad Fauzi Maulana Ichsan, M.Sc.30. IB Aditya Jayaantara31. Hoesen32. Prof. Dr. Candra Fajri Ananda, SE, M.Sc.33. Doddy Zulverdi

"The decision of the Selection Committee is final, binding and cannot be contested," Sri Mulyani said in the announcement.

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